Dr. Patrick

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Dr. Patrick coughs and takes a step back. "Hey Ev. What's going on? How's that knee holding up?"
Evan walks into the room and hops up on the table I'm on. "It's fine." He says waving his hand in dismissal. "Ness is your next victim?" Patrick chuckles at the comment and nods
"Yes, Dan called me in last minute."
"Gotcha. Well Pat here is the best of the best" Evan says and I smile. My eyes scan the room for Mark's and his eyes bounce between Patrick and me. He must have seen my eyes roll because he stormed out of the office and into his office upstairs. Patrick and Evan look at me and I smile.
"So....am I good to play?"
"We are going to have to do some tests and such but so far I'm not seeing anything wrong."
"Thank-you. Everyone else always thinks there's something wrong. Like I'm some fragile thing."
"Well, a head injury isn't something to ignore. It's serious.."
"Yeah, so I've been told." I mutter and he chuckles
"Look, when I was your age, I played basketball for Michigan State. My sophomore year I took a hard blow to the back of my head and spent several weeks in the hospital. I lost my sight for a week, my memory is still fuzzy and I haven't stepped foot on a court since that day. If you don't think I would have killed to get back on the court, you're wrong. I tried everything. You're lucky. You have people that care about you."
I sit there not saying a word. Who knew a stranger could inflict so much thought.
I look up at him as he leans against Dan's desk. "Thank-you."
"No need to thank me. It's my job. Just take it easy for the next few days, okay?"
"I will."
"I want to see you guys reach nationals. And I want to see you smashing it on the court not on the bench anymore."
I smile and nod
"Can you show me where Coach O'Shea's office is?"
"Yeah, sure." I say and we walk out of the trainer's office. "It's just up those stairs and it's right next to Belton's office."
"Thanks. I'll be back next week to see how you're doing. Remember, take it easy."
"I will. I will."
With that he walks upstairs and I walk back into the gym. The basket of basketballs lies in the middle of the court. The ball fits perfectly in my hands as it bounces up and down across the court. Taking it easy like Dr. Patrick said, I just shoot some foul shots and a few jump shots. My eyes tell me to look up as they find the window to Belton's office, lights off. But right next store was Mark's office, lights on and two grown men yelling at each other. Arms flailing every which way. What could they possibly be yelling about? Do they even know each other?"

Mark POV
Her eyes roll and I lose it. My feet carry me across the gym floor, livid. She doesn't even know who he is! God! After slamming my office shut, I sit down at my desk ripping out my hair. She drives me insane but I can't help the way I feel about her. She is honestly the love of my life, but she is so naïve and young. My office door opens and without looking up I mutter "Not now Ness." There's a pause.
"I knew it. Big brother, you and the little basketball star are a thing!"
My eyes fly up to meet Pat's. "What do you want?"
"Well I was going to come up here to talk to you about that beautiful lady downstairs, but I can see that's a sensitive topic."
"Pat. You have no idea what you are talking about."
"So you guys aren't a thing? I could have sworn I saw something in her eyes."
"Pat, stop."
"Why should I?"
"Because, just keep her out of it."
"How old is she Mark? 18?"
"She's turning 20 soon." I mutter
"Jesus Christ. So you guys are what?"
"Geez Pat, she's my girlfriend."
"Woah. Who else knows?"
"Just Evan and her roommate."
"Is she a serious girlfriend, or?"
"What does that even mean, Pat?!" I ask, standing and pushing my chair back hard.
"Oh come on Mark. I know you. You don't date, not since.."
"Do NOT say her name. She is nobody to me."
"Then why do you care so much?"
"Why do you care so much if I date Ness? Pat, I'm happy. The happiest I've been in a long time."
"Do you love her?"
"I do."
"Has she met mom and dad?"
"Well, when were you planning on dropping that bomb on her?"
"I don't know Pat. I don't want to ruin what we have. She's special."
"And Olivia wasn't?"
"No Mark. We are going to talk about her now. It's been 2 years."
"What do you want me to say, Pat? Do you want me to say that she cheated on me? That she played me like a fucking violin? Do you want me to say that she is now fucking married to that douchebag and has a baby? Because she did. I loved her. I gave her everything I could and that wasn't enough."
"Are you over her?"
"Then introduce that young woman downstairs to Mom and Dad. If she is worth it, she deserves to know the family. You need to show her."
"I already know what mom is going to say. She will comment on how young Ness is. And then Dad will make a snide and crude remark. I don't want to put her through that."
"Isn't it her decision though?"
"Yeah, it is" A voice says from the doorway. Our heads turn and Ness is standing there. "Mark, I love you." She says and stops in front of my desk
"You want to meet my parents?"
"If it takes our relationship to the next level, than yes."
"Okay then. I will call my mom if it means that much to you."
"It does Mark." She says and spins around "You're his brother?"
"Unfortunately yes, I am Marky's younger, much more handsome brother Pat."
"Well Pat. Thank you for your advice downstairs. And I guess I will see you at your parents house?"
"Oh yes. I don't want to miss this." He says smiling and I shake my head.
"Just leave Pat. You're not making this any better."
"Oh big brother, I am always glad to help. And Ness, well it was nice meeting you. Good luck." With that Pat grabs his briefcase and walks out of my office.
"He's your brother?" She asks and I laugh a bit and nod.
"Unfortunately yes, he is my brother. Were you checking my brother out?" I ask smirking, putting her on the spot.
"Uh no."
"I saw the two of you downstairs. You definitely were."
"Mark, stop. I only have eyes for this one guy, a bit of an asshole, but he's the only one I have feelings for."
"Well, Miss Montgomery, I can't argue with that now can I?"
"I mean you can argue, but then you'll be entertaining yourself tonight." She warns and walks towards my office door.
"Oh no you don't." I say, taking 3 strides towards the door, holding it shut.
"Mark. Let me leave."
"Because I want to go."
"Go where?"
"To my room?"
"Oh baby, if you wanted a quickie, you could have just said so."
"You wish." She mutters and my finger lifts her chin as her eyes meet mine.
"I don't have to wish. I already have." I say greedily and the look of lust in her eyes says everything I needed to hear. Before she has a second to think, i wrap her legs around my waist and carry her over to my desk. My lips find hers in a fiery, lustful state of mind and she responds with just as much passion. Her legs stay tight around my waist as I pepper kisses her along her jaw, down her neck, and to the top of her t-shirt.
Mark" She moans as my hand slides underneath her shirt, finding its way to her perfectly pert breast. "Mark, we can't." She warns and my eyes find hers, realization crosses both of our minds and I smile apologetically.
"I'm sorry babe. You just drive me insane. You have no idea how bad I want to just kiss you in the middle of class."
"Mark, I know it's not easy for you, believe me, it's not easy for me either. I hate walking into the cafeteria and seeing you eat lunch with Ms. Daniels. I hate walking around campus and watching girls ogling over you after you walk out of the gym. I hate that we have to sneak around for just a quick kiss. But I love you and it's worth it."
"I love you too."
"Good, now it looks like your team has arrived. So I'm going to head out. You have fun at practice, Coach."
"I expect you to be at my place by the time practice gets out."
"I guess we'll just have to wait and see." She says, smiling.
"Good bye Miss Montgomery."
"See ya Prof." And with that she walks out and I head downstairs to the basketball court to begin practice.

The key twists in the lock and I open the door to my apartment, the smell of Italian food wafts throughout the enclosed space and my nose leads to me to the kitchen that is hardly put to use. My eyes land on the exposed legs of my girl. Her top half, covered in one of my old sweatshirts and her little feet are supporting breast cancer basketball socks. I place my briefcase and duffle bag down on the floor by the table and my keys jingle as they are placed on the counter.
"It smells great in here."
"Thanks. Dinner will be ready in about 20 minutes." She says, while tossing a colorful salad. My feet carry me over to my minx of a girlfriend and my hands find her cotton covered hips.
"You didn't have to do this."
"I was hungry and you took to long to get home" She whispers back and I chuckle.
"I'm going to take a quick shower."
Dinner is fantastic. Chicken Parmesan with a side salad and warm buttered bread. A beer placed in front of me while she nurses a glass of water.
"Let me do the dishes."
"Mark, it's okay, I got them"
"No, you sit and relax. I'll do the dishes."
She smiles and nods as I place the plates and utensils in the sink before letting the water get hot. I place a kiss on her cheek

"Thank you for dinner. It has been a while sinceI have had a home cooked meal."
"Typical guy. I don't know how you're not 900 pounds." She mutters and I can'thelp but laugh. (b,]9

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