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I inserted my key into the door and twisted it, pushing the door open after I heard the click sound.

"I'm home!" I announced proudly and closed the door with my foot.

A high pitched, feminine screech pierced my ear and I winced at the distinct frequency that brought pain shattering through my ear.

Dropping my bag at the floor, I bounded across the floor silently and quickly, pinpointing the source of the sound to the big bedroom- Brady's bedroom.

I creeped up to the open door and used my compact mirror (birthday present from Lizzy) to look inside his room with minimal chances of being found by the unknown penetrator in my apartment. What I saw was very confusing, unless there was something that could not be seen in a mirror. Why would a vampire come to my house? Is it Brady's stalker? Ex-lover?

Wow did I really just think that? Then again maybe someone would like his ugly turtleneck sweater, black sunglasses that never seemed to leave his face, the mask he only took off during meals as far as I knew, and his white scrubs. Plus his obnoxious I'm-above-you attitude with an occasional nice side.

The only thing that came to my mind with that description was a terrorist lacking a sense of style, or at least some sort of criminal.

I didn't really care too much when I was so excited about getting a roommate, but his covering up was quite suspicious. The ugly sweater was one thing, but sunglasses even indoors, a mask and gloves? It was as though he was trying to expose as little of himself as possible, but why? Another shriek ripped through the air.

Deciding it was worth the risk to see the problem in person, I strolled into the room, glancing around for anything out of the ordinary. Other than cluttered things everywhere, most likely fallen objects from when Brady started screeching like hungry newborn.

He crouched on top of a well padded chair, with an elegantly carved and arms. The white padding on the chair were sewn with countless golden swirls and patterns, all mixed into a beautiful and sophisticated covering for the chair. The owner of the chair was not as elegant, crouching as he waved a like green feather duster at some invisible creature on the floor.

Oh wait, I think there was a spider on the floor.


"What are you doing?" I scoffed, looking at Brady's sunglasses. "I thought we were supposed to have a serious talk after I came home."

He twisted his neck to face me and almost fell off the chair in the process. He clung to it desperately and the chair miraculously did not fall over.

Not that I meant to be mean, but the guy could really be a wimp.

"... I'll put Ali somewhere where she can't hurt you."

"Who's Ali?" He squeaked, still clinging to the chair as if he was still in danger of falling to the ground two feet below.

I lowered my hand to the ground and cooed. "Ali dear, come here please." She crawled onto my hand and Brady yelped, very girlishly might I add.

"You named the disgusting creature? And- and you're touching it!" He tightened the hug with his chair.

"It's just a spider- an awesome one too. Calm down, she doesn't bite unless she's really hungry."

"Hungry?" He squeaked.

I resisted the sarcasm trying to mix with my voice. "Yes. Ali is a living being, she gets hungry too. I usually feed her raisins from the raisin bread I get from the store. I hate those tiny pickled grapes."

"Raisins aren't pickled grapes." He frowned and loosened his grip on the chair a little bit.

"Whatever. I still hate the little things, and Ali loves them so we have a mutually beneficial relationship."

I grinned with one finger petting Ali while Brady turned pale.

"Who's a good girl? You are, yes you are!" I walked Ali to my room just slightly down the hall and into a pile of loose threads I collected over the years. For some reason Ali had never spun a spiderweb and clung to my clothing instead, so I gathered loose threads from all of the clothing and built a little nest for her that grew every so often.

Somehow, I felt like Ali was more than a spider and I didn't mean by our companionship relationship. Sometimes the way she moved and acted made me think she was much more intelligent than the average spider, almost as if she was a human trapped as a spider.

Or this was all further proof that I had a much too active imagination. I blame it on the cakes. No, they were much too scrumptious and appealing to be blamed for anything! I was a jerk for even considering the idea.

"So..." I gazed at the bubbles in the room, once again containing pieces of furniture as they floated down. The item remained in the ground while the bubbled sucked itself away from the item.

"Do you often start a sentence and trail off like that? It's rude to leave the other party waiting for the end of a sentence that never comes."

"Since we're on the topic of criticizing people, why do you wear sunglasses indoors? And that mask and those gloves. Plus that turtleneck sweater."

We stared each other down until he sighed and removed his sunglasses and his mask. "Are you happy now?" He glared at me with his chartreuse eyes that made me think of a huge, grouchy cat with ridiculously soft fur, except his hair looked spiky poking this way and that under his RedBark cap. He apparently noticed my staring at his hat and removed it, revealing a messy mop of pale blond hair. It was almost white and yet with a tinge of green. That couldn't have been natural and was so fascinating. It made me wonder how his hair came to be that strange color; it could only be described as a shade of white.

He snapped right in front of my face. "Eyes down here, April. We have much information to discuss. We should do so before I change my mind."

I raised an eyebrow. "What's that supposed to mean? You talk as if we're in danger." Well I was in danger 24/7, but he didn't know that so he must have been talking about something else.

"Like I said earlier, we have much to discuss."

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