Chapter Twenty-Six (Part II)

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Caleb's POV

I was completely out of control.

I swiftly unbuttoned the front of her skinny jeans and slid them down the length of her long legs. She seemed to be just as desperate as I was to get them off because she made a frustrated noise and stepped out of their tightness herself before unbuckling the belt of my jeans with practiced fingers and dropping them down to the floor, never once breaking out kiss.

There was absolutely nothing holding me back from gripping the back of Cat's perfect thighs and hoisting her up against the wall. Her skinny legs wrapped around my hips as I kissed her everywhere, letting out heavy breaths in the process. When I heard a soft moan slip out of her mouth, I completely lost it.

A deep growl rumbled from within my chest unwillingly, slipping past my lips, which were against hers. When we fell onto the bed, there was only one thing keeping me from taking her at that very moment.

That other being. The other part of me-the one that refused to let go of the past. The wolf whom I shared with myself was shifting restlessly in the back of my mind, clearly feeling uneasy over the fact that I was about to do it with another girl.

In my wolf's opinion, there was only one other girl.

And that girl was dead.

The guilt that tugged at my lustful thoughts and urged me to come to my senses wasn't strong enough to pull me out from drowning in Cat as she dug her nails into my back while I kissed her in between the valley of her breasts. However it was still there. And in the end I think that was part of the reason why I stopped.

Well, there was that and the fact that I heard someone knocking on my front door-three muffled yet distinct knock, knock, knock's.

My head snapped up at the sound, my chest rising and falling heavily while my heart pounded against my chest and sweat threatened to appear at the edges of my hairline. I tried to pay more attention to the sound but Cat still kissing me down my neck and chest, trailing her frosty fingers along my abs. With a groan I bent down and kissed her before pulling away.

"Cat, w-we should stop," I managed to breathe out. The knocking sound had effectively managed to knock some sense into me, pushing away at the clouds in my mind and making me realize that I couldn't have sex with her. She and I were moving way too fast, and I didn't want to ruin our relationship. Besides, I didn't think I would be getting it on with anyone in this town so I didn't bother to pack any condoms in my suitcase before I came here.

"Mmm," Cat moaned, tangling her hands in my hair and bringing me back down to her. "Why?" she whispered dreamily. She nipped playfully at my bottom lip and I grew even harder than I already was.

We kissed again but that insistent knocking sound echoed through the area of my apartment once more, and I knew that whoever it was that was standing behind my door was not planning on leaving any time soon.

Annoyed, I pulled away again. "Someone's-"

She interrupted me when she caught my lips with hers.

"Here," I finished as I pulled away.

Reluctantly, I rolled over onto my back, giving myself time to calm down before I got up and answered to the knocking sound. Meanwhile the only sound that could be heard was our heavy breathing.

Cat was just as annoyed as I was. "Ugh. Who is that?"

"I'll go see," I said as I hovered over her again and pecked her lips before getting off the bed. I sloppily put on my jeans and didn't even bother to tie the belt.

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