Bonus Chapter

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A/N- It's short and simple, but at least it's something! I decided to just title this chapter "Bonus" because I don't really consider it a real chapter that contributes to the plot.

Sorry for the slow updates lately guys, it's been a busy week. And it doesn't help that I'm the laziest person I know so just bear with me lol

BTW- Dedicated to Kendall_Kiki for the picture of Caleb on the right! >>> It's the yummy Brenton Thwaites from Blue Lagoon haha; I had actually considered casting him as Caleb a while back :P

She sent me another one of Adrianna that I will share with you all next chapter! :)


Caleb's POV

We drove aimlessly for a while, sometimes going around the street blocks in circles as we searched for a source of inspiration. Neither of us had any idea of what to do for our last competition, let alone what the stakes would be when one of us lost.

Then, as we drove down a seemingly endless road of hilly ups and downs, we found the answer.

"Look!" Cat spoke up, pointing at something out the windshield. "Up ahead!"

I followed her intent gaze, but the only thing I witnessed was a large white sign with black letters depicting the words SALE ON LIQUOR. BUY ONE GET ONE FREE.

I frowned but nonetheless slowed down the car. "You want to stop at a liquor store and buy drinks now?"

"Well, yeah," Cat said, looking at me. "C'mon. Aren't you stressed from all of this? I could really use some vodka right now."

"If you're trying to get drunk-"

"I can't get drunk that easily." She rolled her eyes. "You really don't know anything about us vampires, do you? We have an extremely high tolerance for alcohol."

"Says the girl who passed out in the middle of my apartment," I said pointedly, reminiscing over that night as if it had happened years ago. Where had the time gone?

"Esme slipped me drinks the entire night," she explained. "I'd say I probably downed about twenty-five bottles of whiskey before things started to get blurry and confusing."

"But... shouldn't you be drinking blood?" I asked, reluctantly yet obediently turning into the small parking lot.

"Alcohol doesn't satisfy our thirst or hunger, but I went hunting really quickly while you picked up Nathan, remember?"

I kept my frown on my face. "Well, it looks like you and I might have something in common after all. I have a high tolerance for alcohol, too."

Cat's mouth opened a little, forming a perfect "o" shape as she studied me intensely.

Then, the ridge of her mouth lifted in a smirk.

"Really?" she asked with interest. "I bet it's not as high as mine."

"Um, sorry to break it to you, but I probably drank more than twenty-five cups of vodka at that party and I was only slightly buzzed-unlike you," I said. Then, realization settled over me and I narrowed my eyes. "You want to make this our competition, don't you?"

Her smirk widened. "Precisely."

I parked in front of a sketchy-looking white building with tinted windows and a flickering OPEN sign perched above the door. The words LIQUOR STORE were mounted indicatively on its top face, except the letters UOR and ST were missing, leaving faded marks of filth outlining where the large red letters would have been.

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