Part 23 - Leslie

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I step out of my car in front of City Hall and instantly wish I hadn't. In front of the entrance is a giant vendor, selling t-shirts, hats, dolls, bumper stickers, all with "RECALL KNOPE" plastered on the side. The saleswoman? Marcia Langman. I weigh my options. I could jump back in my car and go back to the safety of my home, or I could go up there and give her a piece of my mind.

Fight, Ron's voice says in the back of my head.

"Hello, Marcia." I say bitterly.

"Oh, hello, Leslie. T-Shirt?" She says, holding one up for me.

"You won't get away with this Marcia. I'm gonna fight this recall with every fiber of my being."

"And who will lead your campaign against me? Hm? Your boyfriend? Oh, wait, he's not here."

"He's a state auditor, Marcia. He travels for his job. Besides, I have a team full of amazing, kind, passionate people, and they will back me up on this."

"Yes we will, Leslie!" says Jerry behind me.

"Shut up Jerry! This isn't your fight!" I shoot back. "So go ahead. Try. Try to recall me."

"We won't try, Leslie. We'll succeed. Have a nice day!"

"As to you, Ms. Langman."

"Mrs. Langman." she says in a sweet tone of voice. I want to slap her so bad, but that would probably get me bad press. I need all the positivity I can get at this point.

Later that day, the texts start coming in. It starts with a few, then grows to about 20 a minute. All of them carry similar messages: "Boo, Leslie Knope!" "Recall Councilwoman Knope!" "F*ck you you f*cking bitch." "You're terrible for Pawnee!"

It takes me about two seconds to figure out who gave the recallers my number.

"Jamm! What the hell!" I storm into his office, and as expected, he's wearing a "Recall Knope" shirt.

"Sorry, Knopey. Gotta take their side on this one. After all, you are my nemesis."

"Why did you give them my number?"

"As I said, I'm on their side."

"This is just you being an ass! How many people did you give it to?"

"Everyone who is on the email list."

"There's an email list?"

"Yup. Over 1,000 members, baby. Whatcha gonna do about it?"

I grab my phone and throw it as hard as I can at his wall. It makes a small dent in the wall, and my phone shatters

"Hey! That's vandalism!"

"It's on, Jamm. Bring it." I say, turning to walk away.    

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