Part 3 - Leslie

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I wake up the next morning in my clothes from last night. Oh my gosh... how long did I sleep for?? I grab my clock: 10:12 AM?!?! HOW AM I NOT A WORK?!?! Leslie Knope is never late to work. Leslie Knope doesn't sleep that much either. I don't have time to process emotions. I just grab a couple of Nutri-Yum bars for sudden energy and run towards the door. I jiggle at the handle. Locked. I look down to see a note over the lock:
"Leslie- we changed your door handle so that you can't get out. Last night was stressful. Don't come to work. Relax. I left a bunch of books I picked up from the bookstore (not the library :) ) in your kitchen. Oh, and we also took your computer, phone, and work- related documents so don't even think about trying to work. Ben and I will be stopping by to check on you periodically.
Love, Ann."
I had pushed last night out of my mind. As soon as the events bubble back into my consciousness, I lose my drive to go to work. I feel defeated. I just gave up my dream. I've never felt worse. I see another note on the floor and pick it up.
"Leslie, I was opposed to taking away your phone because if you need anything, I wanted you to text one of us. But Ann said it was the only way to get you to stop working. I hate leaving you stranded like this, but it's for the best. I'll be there at 11:15 sharp to check in on you.
I now realize what would've happened if I had lied to those people in the meeting. If I had said there was no scandal, I would've had to break up with Ben. And frankly, that's a pretty terrible world. I don't even want to think about it.
I grab a random book that Ann left me and try to calm down. It's a murder mystery, so that doesn't really help. I soon hear a knock on my door. I would answer it, but realize that I can't. The door knob clicks to unlock. I glance down at my watch: 11:15.
"Leslie?" The voice isn't Ben's.
"Hey Leslie. Sorry, I'm not Ben."
"Ann, you perfect, majestic bird, don't apologize."
"He got... caught up in work." her voice is nervous. The pause before "caught up in work" concerns me too.
"Something's wrong. What happened?"
"Nothing! What makes you think there's something wrong?"I could hear the nerves in her voice.
"You paused before 'caught up in work'."
"That's it! It's official! I can't hide anything." She says throwing her hands in the air.
"Ann, what's going on?" I say, trying to make my voice as stern as possible.
"I don't know Leslie. It's probably nothing."
"Did something happen to Ben?"
"Fine. When we dropped you off last night, Ben seemed OK. I mean, as OK as he could've been considering the circumstances. But... he didn't show up to work today. He's not returning any calls or any form of communication."
"Is he at home?"
"April and Andy said he's not there."
I start panicking. My first thought instantly goes to him leaving Pawnee. Moving back to Indianapolis? Why though? Did he feel bad about being the cause of this? It's my fault for telling them!
"Ben is gone... Ben is gone..." I say, almost becoming dizzy at the thought.
"Leslie, we have Chris, Andy, and Donna on the case. April and Jerry are taking the rest of the workload. Everything is under control."
"What are Ron and Tom doing?"
"Um... Tom quit last night. He's starting a company with Jean-Ralphio across the street. And Ron ran away after "Tammy 1" came back?"
"Tammy 1 is back?! Tom left?! BEN IS GONE?!?! Ann, let me go back to work. Let me help. Please!"
"Maybe. Just, take another hour. Calm yourself down."
"OK!! OK!! I'll let you go back. But the minute we find out where Ben is, you're coming back here."
"OK. Deal."

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