Part 24 - Leslie

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"OK. We have to stop these recallers. First plan of action. Ann?"

"We have to get the word out - signs, T-Shirts, posters, TV ads for the Don't Recall Knope Campaign."

"And, Jerry, can you make a bunch of flyers and hand them out door to door?" I say, looking over at Jerry, who is writing notes on our meeting.

"It would be my pleasure."

"April, Andy, can you guys get some youth outreach? Talk to the younger voters? Make me seem cool?"

"Ew, that's impossible!" April says, looking up from the drawing she was doodling on her hand. She puts down the pen and picks up her phone instead.

"Will do, Leslie!" Andy says, saluting me.

"Tom, Donna, Ron, can you guys handle logistics?"

They nod as Ann pulls me to the side.

"I forgot to tell you. Ben called me last night."

"He did?"

"He didn't know how to reach you. He got worried, so he called me. He said he's going to try to come down to Pawnee as soon as possible to help."

"Oh, that's great! I could really use him right now. Plus, I just want my boyfriend here to-"

I'm interrupted by April spewing out her coffee. It lands on Jerry's face.

"Aw, jeez!" He says, running to get some napkins. Typically, April would be laughing at this point. The fact that she's not concerns me.

"Is everything OK, April?" I ask, turning around. Her face looks panicked, like she's hiding something. She holds her phone tightly in her hands. Andy pulls the screen away so he can see it.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Everything is... Just... " April stammers on

"Oh my god... is that Be-?" April slams a hand over Andy's mouth before he can finish the sentence. April looks struck with fear, and Andy starts to look mad. Through April's hand over his mouth, I can hear him talking.

"Wait till I get my hands on him. That little bastard will pay. Anyone who hurts Leslie-" April pushes her hand closer towards his mouth so his words became muffled. Those don't sound like words to come from Andy Dwyer's mouth! What's going...wait... hurt me?? Suddenly, Donna gasps sharply. I look over at her. Her eyes are wide as she too looks at her phone. She looks over at April.

"The Sun?" she asks. April nods her head vigorously.

"Guys, what's going on?" I ask.

"Perkins, can I talk to you for a second?" Donna says, standing up. Ann nods, looking confused as well. Donna takes her outside the conference room. I watch through the window. As I do, out of the corner of my eye, I see Tom pull out his phone and scroll through something.

"Oh my god! Is that really him?" he yells.

"Shut up!" April yells.

"Guys, what the hell is going on?" I ask, now majorly confused.

"Indeed, Tom, what is happening?" Ron asks. Tom shows him his phone under the desk and Ron's eyebrows raise.

"I see." he says flatly. His face slowly forms into a deeper frown. "He's lucky that he's not in this room or I would snap him in half."

I walk over to April to see if I can see her phone. She turns it off as soon as I walk towards her.

"April, please. If this has something to do with me, I need to know what it is."

She just shakes her head.

"You'll find out soon enough. I just... don't want you to see it from me."

I look outside, and Ann has both hands pressed to her mouth and wide eyes while Donna holds the screen in front of her. She puts down her hands and starts yelling.

"Oh, he will pay for doing this. HE WILL PAY."

She storms back into the conference room, but as she sees my face, her anger dissolves into something between sympathy and fear.

"Leslie, I'm so sorry." she says. "Donna?" Donna hands Ann her phone. Ann unlocks the phone and shows the screen to me. The first thing I notice is that it's by the Pawnee Sun, which instantly scares me. I see the picture and feel my heart fall and shatter and dissolve at the same time.

It's Ben, kissing a girl with dark hair. I recognize the halls as the ones of the Fredrickson City Hall. The caption is "Can't Even Keep Her Own Beau On Her Side - Why Leslie Knope is Wrong for Pawnee."   

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