Capitulo Cuatro

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Can I blame the alcohol? For making me grow balls and do the one thing I've wanted to do since the first time I saw her. I, Tony Duncan, was here, in a drunken daze, kissing Kendra. The girl I was in love with for the past five years.

Her hands held my neck, fingers quickly knotting in my sea-swept curls. And god she smelled so fucking delicious. Like berries and iced tea and whiskey. It made me desperate.

I hungrily ravished her lips, biting her bottom lip in the process, earning me a moan. I nearly came at the spot. Her tongue gliding into my mouth and it was over. We battled for dominance, my fingers digging into her hips, trying to pull her even closer to me.

But suddenly it all stopped when we heard a crash come from inside. We abruptly pulled away from each other, gasping for air.

"Fuck." She mumbled, touching her lips and looking at the ground. Her eyebrows are knitted together while her tongue glazed her lips. When she finally looked up at me, her eyes told it all. Regret and guilt lingered in the brown orbs and for a moment, we stood there, staring at each other. Both of us just realizing what we have done.

"I'm sorry" The words came out in a blur.

"No, I shouldn't have..." She stopped and touch her lips again, "We're drunk."

"Yeah." Was all I said but inside I wanted to tell her how long I've waited for this moment. How I dreamed and literally masturbated to the thought of kissing her the way I just did.

"We should go back inside" She mumbled, avoiding my heated gaze and trying to regain back her breath.

"Yeah, I'm going to hang here for a bit. Clear my head."

Kendra nodded before looking down at the front of my shorts. Aware of the huge hard on I had, I placed my hands in front, praying she didn't notice the bulge.

"Uhm.. Okay, I'll see you inside then."

I mumbled an okay before she headed back where we came from. Right before she rounded the corner she took one last look at me and disappeared.

I couldn't believe it. I finally kissed Kendra. The one thing I was dreaming about constantly. My fingers went up to my lips and I touched them, still feeling her lips on them. It happened so quickly and I let out a groan. I never wanted it to end.

The breeze picked up and I let out a shiver, I didn't know how long I was out there but eventually my friend settled and my mind stopped racing. Now it was time to think things through and figure out what I was going to do.

I definitely didn't want to head back inside. I'd die if I saw Kendra again and the alcohol still rushing through my veins made me feel reckless and hungry for her. Instead, I took a deep breath and sent her a quick text.

Tony: Hey, I think I'm done for the night. I'm going to head home. Have fun. :)

Nearly a second later, my phone buzzed.

Kendra: OK

A pang hit my chest. I didn't want to admit that her nonchalant response hurt but it did. I couldn't blame her though. The alcohol made her do something she said she would never do. Cheat. And I'm sure out of anyone in the world, the last person she wanted to do it with was me.

I took in another deep breath and started my way back home. It was a nice night, a slight crisp breeze wandering in the air and the smell of palm trees and jasmines swirled in it. The combination made me relax and helped with sobering me up. Before I knew it, I was walking up to our back door, absentmindedly looking for the spare key my mom would leave under a large succulent plant near the first step. At least I didn't have to worry about her lecturing me on my current state. The key meant she was off to work and for the first night ever, I was happy for that.

I stumbled in and grabbed a bottle of water, chugging it and letting out an overdue moan. It was probably the best thing I've drank all night.

Well besides Kendra.

I chugged another bottle of water and threw it into our recycle bin. My mind wandered and I was again thinking of Kendra. Imagining what she was doing at the moment. If she was with Bruce, making out with him. Doing things to him. It made my blood boil and it made me run into the shower.

I needed to cool down and as much as I didn't want to wash Kendra's scent off of me, the image of her sad eyes sealed the deal. I showered quickly and brushed my teeth, finally happy that the alcohol didn't linger on my breath as much. I was in the process of turning off the bathroom light when I heard a thud in my room.

My body became alert and I grabbed the closest thing to me, a book. I wasn't the one that normally ran to the weird sounds of the night but with the alcohol still buzzing, I guess I felt like Batman. Ready to defend my territory. With my heart racing and a solid grip on the hard cover copy of 'The Alchemist', I made my way to my room.

The door was wide open and when I glanced inside there was a figure getting up from the spot they landed on floor. They got up with a groan and in what seemed like a drunken state, walked towards my bed, landing again with a thud.

My eyes watched in horror as the lunatic cuddled into my bed.

What the fuck?

I was in the stealthy process of walking towards them, making sure not to make a sound and lifting the book in order to murder them with it. I didn't know how much damage I'd do but I for sure wanted to make them suffer. 50 paper cuts would take anyone down.

My figure snuggled again, this time with my pillow and moaned again. This time, I stopped in my tracks because they said something.

My name.

"Mhm, Tony."

My brows furrowed in confusion but then realization hit me. I knew who this was.


The figure immediately sat up and looked around frantically, unwrapping their body from my comforter.

"Huh?" The figure said but I already knew it was her. I reached for the light and turned it on, hurting us both in the process.

Once my eyes adjusted, my suspicions were correct. There tangled in my bed was Kendra, hair in a messy bun and face flushed in embarrassment. Her eyes were wide like solars and the makeup that looked perfect when I last saw her was smudged and running down her face. She looked different and just like that, her face told me something was wrong.

"Tony..." she whispered, touching her lips. They were quivering under her touch.

It didn't take more than a few seconds for me to run to her, sitting on my bed and reaching for her.

"Kendra," I breathed, feeling her warm skin against my cool skin, "What happened?"

She let me hold her, letting her hands settle on my chest and letting out a breath of what seemed like relief. I took the time to look at her. Really look at her and notice she looked completely different from the last time I saw her.

She looked as if she was crying beforehand. Dry black mascara was running down her face, the messy bun had dirt it in as well as her nails. There looked to have been blood under them but it didn't look like any of them were broken. Her clothes were different too. Now she was wearing a large Tshirt and basketball shorts.

My mind went to the worst place ever.

This wasn't normal.

Something was really wrong.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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