That was the reason?

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Math always make me feel stupid, it's the subject that just makes my head hurt from the mixtures of letters and numbers then add the graphs, fucking confusing.

Exiting the math classroom, I let out a big sigh, barely surviving the quiz we just had. I met Cyril at the lockers because we don't have the same math since he's in the honors class. He tried teaching me but my head won't cooperate.

We went to our french class. We thought that if we take this class it'll be interesting to learn a new language but the teacher just doesn't make it like that. Every single lesson was so boring that I don't look forward in going to this class but fotunately we take this class just 2 days a week.

We went in the classroom but I was surprised when I saw that Gray was in this class too. Am I really that oblivious that I didn't know he's in this class too?

"Did you know that he's in this class too?"

"Of course you dumbass, he is sittting just across from us"

I stared at Cyril with wide eyes.

But as I think about it carefully I do hear his voice quite often but I just didn't bother looking.

We sat to our usual seats and started talking about anything that comes to mind.

"Maze, you coming later?" Cyril asked me, we were just talking about how they just moved into a new house, and I'm really curious how it would look like this time because their house just gets bigger and bigger everytime they move.

"If you give me food then I'm in, or you could call Ally now to make sure there's food 'cause I won't waste my time at your house with nothing to munch on" Ally is you could say is their maid but she's more of a family for us. But well I guess for Cyril the love of his life.

Cyril glared at me then he averted his eyes his lips forming a smirk, I glanced at what the hell he's smirking at and saw Gray walking towards us.

Wait... towards us!?

I looked at Cyril with eyes like saucers. Why is he walking this way? Just as I opened my mouth to ask Cyril that question someone tapped me at my shoulder. Cyril is now looking at me with that annoying smirk now replaced with a stupid grin. I closed my eyes and slowly turned around.

Gray is looking down, since I'm sitting and he's standing, while a small smile was on his lips.

"Maze" he spoke, his deep voice making me shudder. How can his voice be like that while mine still hasn't hit puberty.

"y-yea?" stupid mouth for stuttering.

"Have you finish reading the article he made us read?" Oh, so he's just asking homework questions.

"I still can't understand anything and making us read that article is his form of torture for me." I'm surprised of how different I sounded earlier than now, my voice is much calmer now.

He chuckled and sat down on the seat next to me that was vacant. Oh?

I wonder where the heck is Mr. Samuels, I hope he's absent though, I don't want to deal with his nonsense rumbling in french today.

He continued talking to me changing the subject from homework to asking about me.

That's weird just yesterday he was not talking to me, what changed?

"I like blue but then red appears then there's the color green too and now gray is interfering too"

When did I like gray? I glanced at my back where Cyril is just seating listening to our conversation, I know that because he's Cyril.

I can see that he's holding back his laughter and I definitely know why because the moment I said the words I want a black hole to just appear underneath me.

I turned to look at Gray again and I can see that he looks amused. Well I'm glad I'm amusing him.

I raised my eyebrow at him then he coughed in his hand that sounded like he was holding back his laughter just like Cyril.

Why did I even say that? I need to stop my mouth from saying this kind of things.

I elbowed Cyril at his side to make him stop because it'll just make it more obvious.

"then? how about you? Do you like gray too since you know it is your name." I decided to talk to make it less embarassing for me.

"Not really, I'm more into the red color. You sure are undecided on your favorite color."

"It's hard to choose just one though"

Surprisingly we talked about a lot of stuff and there were times I just kind of zoned out while looking at his eyes like when he was telling me the time when he was chased by the neighborhood dog. I hope he doesn't notice, that would be too humiliating and I don't need anymore of that.

I decided not to ask him about why he didn't talk to me yesterday when he introduced himself the day before yesterday.

While staring at his eyes, it makes me like the gray color more and then suddenly it just hits me.

His smile while talking about his family, his hands gesturing everywhere while talking excitedly about his fondest memories, then his eyes that are shining brightly throughout the time we're talking, his eyes shaping like crescents from smiling too much and as much as the gray is described to be dull, in him it seems much brighter just like the moon when it shines at night.

Maybe it was his smile or maybe it was his eyes but for sure one of those was the reason.

The reason that did it for me. The reason why I was so interested in him. The reason why I'm so affected.

The reason that made me fall for him.

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