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It's another day. I'll have to see her again, and it's not that comfortable being with her. Why do I get butterflies in my stomach? This feels so gay. How could you even fall in love with one blink of an eye?

"Hey! Mingyu! You're sleeping with your eyes open again!" The8 shouted.

The room was so quiet, where did the students go?..normally at this time the room would be half full but now it's just me, The8, Hoshi, Woozi, Jun, Joshua, DK, Jeonghan and Wonwoo.

"Isn't it the opening of sports week? Why'd we stay here?" Wonwoo asked.

So that's why! It's our school's annual sports week, where we get to do different sports from monday until friday. The room was empty because it was the 1st day of the sports week.

We went out and walked straight to our school's podium. There were many people but the only that I could see was Jinee, she was right there and I guess she was finding someone...maybe her friend?

"Oh there's Jinee! But where's S.coups?" Hoshi asked.

Wonwoo waved his hands at Jinee signalling here to come closer because we were there.

"Oh! Oh! Hey!!!" She waved back then ran towards us. She's really cute.

Oh! What am I saying?! This is too gay!

"Where's your brother?" Joshua asked her and extended his arm unto her shoulder.

"I don't even know where he is! He hopped out of the car first and now he's nowhere to be found!" She said while grasping for air.

"Let's just find some seat!" Jisoo remarked, then he lowered his hands, from Jinee's shoulder, he held her hands and walked away from us.

Now this is a new feeling! Uhmm anger...and the feeling that I want it to be me that holds her hand. Is this what you call jealousy? I've never been truly in love, how would I know.

We just followed them. They found seats for all of us but I chose to stay away because I don't want this feeling to bother me. But I can't stop myself from leanung forward tmand trying to spy on them. This is so involuntary. Because of this, I stood up and walked to the restroom. While I was on my way I bumped on to S.coups.

"Did you see Jinee? Oh god! I forgot she's still unfamiliar to this place!" He looks very worried, he really loves his sister.

"She's with us...just look for them. I'm gonna go out for a while" I said.

I continued to walk to the bathroom.

How could you be like this Kim Min Gyu? and with your bestfriend's sister? You don't believe in love right? You never had these why can't you ignore it now?

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Vernon.

"Ayo! Why are you still here?! The program's about to start!!" He tapped mt shoulders.

"I was about to go out" I excused.

We headed out and went back to our seats.

"Hey! You normally wouldn't even pee the whole day!! Why'd you go to the restroom?" Jeonghan said.

"Ugh...I just washed my hands" I'm full of excuses.

"I think Suyeon's looking for me...ugh! Why didn't I ask for her number?" I murmured.

"What?" Jisoo asked.

"Uhmmm...nothing..I'll find my friend first...I'll come back!" I stood up and went through Seventeen just to reach the empty space where I could walk towards the entrance and exit.

Where could she be? I totally would like to get to know her more...

"JIN! JINEEEE!!!!" I heard someone shout mt name.

"Oh there she is!" I told myself.

"Hey! Where were you? I was looking for you!" She told me.

"Me too! Come on! Let's go! We can seat close to Seventeen!" I know how she's too clingy to my brother's group.

"Really?! Oh my god!!" She hurriedly went with me, actually she's the one who's pulling me.


The program ended and all the students went out of the podium. Classes were cancelled until next week. And the games will start tomorrow. There were lots of food stands so I directly went there pulling Suyeon with me. Seventeen went with us to everywhere we would go.

"Yah! Seungcheol do you have any place to go?" I asked my brother.

" we don't!" He answered.

"Well..then I guess they'll be our bodyguards! Omg!!!" Suyeon squeeled.

I looked at Seventeen and they seemed annoyed. This seems fun!

"Do you have to really stop by every food stand and eat?" I heard Mingyu complain.

Everyone looked at him.

"Yes! Who are you to question me and my big appettite?!" Is this what Jeonghan call 'like', he's so's so irritating!

"You have to eat real food! Like rice! Not just some fish cakes or milk teas!" He shouted.

Everyone laughed except for mw and Suyeon, her face was si clueless while mine was furious.

"Since when did you even became worried with my sister's food? We were friends for more than three years and you've never been like thaf to us!" Seungcheol said and laughed loudly.

"You know whag...forget it! Just eat what you want!" He gave up.

But I guess he is right. My stomach's actually too semsitive so I can't just eat anything. I gave my fish cake to Suyeon and milk tea to Seungcheol. And glared at him for making me surrender my food, he just gave me a 'so-proud-of-you' smile.

I walked away from them like I was angry, when I'm actually not. Suyeon ran towards me and held my hand.

"Don't you think Mingyu oppa's acting so strange? He's never been like that. The description for him is 'Cold Guy'...and now he's like this?!" Suyeon said.

"Psh! Maybe he's just like this because my brother's here and he's his friend" They should stop jumping on to conclusions, it makes me think of it more.

"You just hate him! What's with hating Seventeen members?"

"Oh I don't really hate all of them...I'm okay with Seungcheol and Jisoo..."

"Jisoo?" She asked.

Oh I forgot! Theyvhave screennames.

"Joshua!" I cleared out.

"Oh okay..why? Joshua's really quiet"

"Well..we've been friends since we were children. He would take care of me together with Seungcheol" I explained.

"Haha I thought you just liked him..that's why you can't hate him" She said them let out a big laugh.

"Like? Him?....well maybe..." She's my friend now so it's okay to tell this to her.

"What?!!! You like him?!!" She shouted.

I looked at the back and Seventeen were looking at us. I think they just heard her.

"Uhmmm yeah!! That's what my friend said she liked him!" I shouted. So it sounds like we were talking about another girl.

"Shut up! It's just a little admiration..he's a gentleman and I like that kind of guy..he's very caring. But I guess I'll be stucked with being his bestfriend's little sister whom he treats like his own sister too" I whispered.

"Aww...but you know as long as you act like a woman he might like you. You gentlemen like women who act sophisticated and mature" She adviced.

What's the thing about being mature? I just don't get why people think it's a big thing.

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