The Making of a Monster

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Title: The Making of a Monster

Paring: Chloe/Clark Luthor

Spoilers: For the episode Luthor

AN: For the purpose of this fic, some of Clark's powers developed faster than in the Smallville universe. If you need a reason, it's because Lionel pushed him to develop his gifts.

Chapter One

Chloe glanced up from her books to see Clark entering the coffee shop.

"Come on, Pete, lets get out of here," she said, none too quietly.

"Why?" Pete frowned and followed the direction of her gaze to Clark. "Oh. Yeah, good idea."

They began collecting their books up.

"Was it something I said?" Clark asked, as he paused beside their table, his trademark smirk fixed on his lips.

"No," Chloe snapped. "It's the stench of corruption that follows you around."

"Aw, come on Chloe," he smirked. "Don't be such a sore loser."

Chloe dropped the pile of books she'd been collecting and turned on him.

"A sore loser?" she asked. "Believe it or not, Clark, this is about more than just my feelings! Your father might have bought Principle Quan, the Smallville Ledger and the Daily Planet, but he can't hide forever. One day people will learn the truth about him."

Goading Chloe was one of Clarks greatest pleasures in this hick town, he loved it when she got angry. She was like a kitten showing it's claws, trying to look tough but only succeeding in looking damn cute.

"So you're blaming me for my fathers sins?" he asked. "That's hardly fair."

"No, Clark, believe me, you already have enough sins of your own to fully justify my vitriol."

"Oh, such cutting words from the poison penned pixie!" Clark clutched his chest as though he was in pain.

Chloe's glare intensified and Clark was glad that she didn't have his heat vision, because he'd surely be a crispy critter right about now if she did.

"Come on, Chloe," Pete had collected her books for her and took her elbow to nudge her along. "He's not worth it."

Chloe was still glaring at Clark.

"Oh, believe me, I know he isn't," she said before finally turning and heading towards the exit.

"Chloe, you've got to tone it down," Pete urged when he though they were out of ear shot.

"Why? So I can run scared like the rest of this town? So I can more easily pander to the whims of a meglomaniacle billionaire and his twisted offspring? No thanks." She turned and glanced back at Clark who was now chatting with two pretty blonds at the counter.

Almost as if he'd heard her, Clark suddenly looked over and winked.

"One day, Pete, I will bring the Luthors down. You mark my words."

Pete believed her, that was what worried him.


Chloe had a knack for getting into places she wasn't supposed to be but the Luthor Mansion stretched even her skills. Somehow though, she had made it inside undetected. She knew the Luthors were at a charity event in Metropolis this evening so she should be relatively safe.

Before coming she had tried to find a schematic or layout for the place so she would know where Lionel's office was. Unfortunately all she had been able to find was an old magazine spread in Hello magazine. From the picture of Lionel at his desk and the position of the sun, she had surmised that his office was on the north side of the building on the second floor. However, in a building that Chloe estimated must have close to a hundred rooms, that didn't actually narrow things down very much.

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