Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

Over the next two weeks Chloe and Clark were almost inseparable. Clark toned his more excessive behaviours down, at least while Chloe was around. He tried to coax her into accompanying him to a bar or a party but she made it clear that she wasn't interested in that part of his life. He accepted it, at least for now.

Chloe had a ton of questions for him and Clark was happy to answer them or provide demonstrations. It felt so good to be completely open and honest about his origins with someone.

At first he used his powers around her whenever he felt like it but after the first week, Chloe insisted he stop. He was a little upset at first, thinking that perhaps she was rejecting that side of him but she explained that if they kept taking risks and jetting off to far flung places, Lionel was bound to find out eventually, so he stopped using his speed and ability to fly when he ferried her about and they reverted to using their the cars.

He also came to realise that she wasn't like Lionel because she wasn't only interested in him because of what he could do. She simply liked him for who he was.

He was careful not to bring up dating again, even in a teasing manner. Chloe had been right when she said she had issues. He likened her to a baby chick. You could have it and hold it in your hand but if you held too tight...

Chloe smiled and put her hand on his arm, drawing his attention back to the present.

"You like Hairspray?" she sounded incredulous.

The first few times they had been back to the Beanery, Chloe had seemed jittery but now she she was back to her old self again. The two of them sitting together was such a frequent sight now that there was very little gossip. They were old news.

"What's not to like?" he grinned. "Tell you what, I'll get some tickets and you can come with me and see for yourself."

"Okay, this I have to see. You're on."

Clark wanted to say "It's a date," but instead just smiled and raised his coffee mug to clink with hers.

Chloe drove home that evening with a happy smile on her face.

She knew for sure now that his arrogance and flippancy were just a mask and ever since he had told her the truth he had seemed so much lighter. His smiles now felt much more genuine, even his annoying smirks.

"What's got you so happy?" her father asked as as they ate dinner that evening.

Finally her smile faltered. How did you tell your father that you were dating the son of the man who had blacklisted him?

She frowned as she realised what she had just thought. She wasn't dating Clark, she was just his friend. Wasn't she?

"Dad..." she let out a long sigh. "I suppose you'll find out sooner or later so I might as well be the one to tell you. I've been seeing a lot of someone recently and... I really like him."

"Who's the lucky fella?" Gabe asked.

"It's Clark. Clark Luthor."

Gabe put his knife and fork down.

"Clark Luthor?" he repeated.

Chloe nodded.

"Well, that's a turn up for the books." He took a long sip of his beer to buy himself some time. "When did this start?"

"A few weeks ago. But we're just friends, I swear."

"Chloe, I'm not so petty that I would hold the boy accountable for his father's actions but it's fair to say that he's done enough to merit his own bad reputation."

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