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Where am I? I stand up and look around. It's practically a very dark sunset. I am in the middle of nowhere, there is a little house near where I'm standing. Let's go check out what is inside.

I remember now.

Last night I tripped over and fell in this thing, well my mirror. Tell me again, how do you fall in a mirror? Well my answer: I don't even know.

I walk into the little house cottage thing. Somebody's coffee is sitting on the front counter. "Hello?" I hear sudden footstep clumps down the stairs. CLUMP! CLUMP! CLUMP! "So sorry! How long have you been in here for?" A lady looks at me "uh...I was I'm outside and then I saw this little house and the-" I got cut off. "You mean that you just came into the mirror?! Oh! YIPEEE! Seeya later boys I'ma outta here!" The lady starts up the stairs. I follow her up there "Hey! What do you mean your out of here?" The lady pauses halfway up the stairs. "You mean..You don't know what the rules of the mirror are?" She slowly turns her face toward me. "Rules? What rules?"
The lady suddenly yanks me up the rest of the stair while muttering "The rules are simple. Once your in here you can't get out until someone else comes in." She is now packing a pure black suitcase full of clothes. "Wait what?!" I can't believe that I just heard that. "Oh! Also, I have to give you these coordinates. Some random told me to give them to the next person that came here." She hands over the piece of crumpled up paper. "Why do I need these?" "Because darling, when you get out of this hell, you need to go follow and get to these coordinates. I have heard that you get some sorta prize!" The lady starts to walk out the bedroom door and down the stairs. " don't worry darling, they'll supply you with food everyday." I have so many questions. "Im sorry ma'am but, I never caught your name." The lady raises her eyebrows. "Oh! Sorry my dear, Fern. Fern Nicholson." And with that, she walked out the door and with that, she was gone.

~2 months later~

"Hello?" Who was that. I sit strait up in my bed. "Hello?" I rush down the stairs and see a desperate boy looking up at me. "Hello there" yes! I'm free!!

"And here are your keys the house" I close the door shut and, the world goes black. Pitch black. I open my eyes and, I'm in the real world again. I wonder if Samantha is here? I walk through my foster parents house. My mum and dad were apparently too poor to look after me. So I now live in a foster parents house. "Sam?" My voice echoes down the hallway. I guess that they are out playing bingo.
I walk down to my bedroom and there is s note on my bed saying the coordinates that Fern, I think that was her name, gave me. Maybe I'll sleep here tonight and leave tomorrow.
When I wake up, I wake up to eggs on toast and a glass of orange juice on my bedside table with a note saying " welcome home baby girl! " a tear forms up in my eye and my lips start shaking.

After I eat my brekkie I go downstairs and grab a backpack and fill it with some different foods, band-AIDS, etc. I walk outside and for once, I smell the fresh air. I wait at the cab stop until I can call over a cab and hitch me a ride to the destination that I need to go to.

The cab ride is long and awkward and boring. It is hot and muggy in the cab and it makes me sweat so much that every noun and again, I feel sweat trickle down my spine.

I have finally arrived! About time! At a rusty, old, dark castle. I climb the 10,368 steps that there are. Two guards greet me and welcome me in. I walk down millions of hallways that lead into millions, and millions of hallways. By the time I think I have crossed the same hallway the 50th time, I see a man. An old man. I walk up to him and ask him. "Umm excuse me? Do you know where these coordinates are?" And show the man. The man shows me down a few hundred hallways and finally stops at the door of a....dungeon?
" here you are" the man says and struts off. I look through the little window in the door and see two girls my age sitting there, cuffed to the wall..." Excuse me young lady! What on earth are you doing down here?!" I jump and immediately say " these girls are um, I ahh came to visit them" the man looks at me suspiciously and then says on his radio " master, we've got a young lady down at the dungeons and she wants to see the trapped up girls. Over" there is dead silence for a few seconds, then a husky robot voice comes on and says "whatever, she can go in there".

The guard opens the doors and turns on the light switch to the small, dull room. The girls faces perk up as if they were puppies at a pet shop. "Who are you?" One of the girl says " I am Winter and I got told to come to you. What are your names?" One of the girls stood up and brushed herself off. She had brown hair with hints of red and yellow. And calm, soothing green eyes. "I am Autumn, and this is Summer." Summer then stood up and brushed the dirt off of her pants. Summer had bright glistening golden hair that was every so silky. And Summer had bright blue eyes, that matched her blouse and yellow dress. "Hi, nice to meet you."

I start by telling them what I got told and then they added in their input on what they had been told. Then we realised, where is Spring?

Hey guys! I hope that you enjoyed my first chapter of the new reconstructed book! Im so exited and could just keep updating all day but sadly, i have school. I would really like to thank Amacutiepie for supporting me and giving me some cool ideas. Anyway, i really hope that i can get this book back on track and updating fast.
Once again thank you all so much for supporting me.
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-Chloe Xx

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