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"So when did you and Mark meet? And how long have you been a thing?" Y/N asked their best friend Jack, obviously curious about his relationships. "Can't we ever talk about you for a change?" "No, so get on with the story!" "Alright fine fine!" Jack set down his coffee and checked his phone before starting the story.

•21 years ago, Jack was 4•

"I AM THE KING, OF THE JUNGLE GYM!" Mark shouted as he pointed his sword at his friends, Bob, Wade and Denell. "That's not fair, you're always king!" Complained Wade. "Mark Fischbach! Please come inside!" Mr. Y called. "Oooh, what did you do now?" Denell teased. "Nothing! I bet Felix tattle-tell on me again, I'll be back and when I do, I'll be the king!"

Mark ran inside to meet Mr. Y. He was holding a pale hand which was connect to a small child with an eyepatch and in the other hand he held a stuffed green eye plushy. "Mark, c'mere, no need to be shy." Mark scooted closer to him and the other child. "Mark, this is Jack. He was transferred fr-" "What does mean?" "Transferred means to move from one place to another. Jack and his parents transferred from Ireland." "Where's that?" "Mark, you are just full of questions aren't you?" Mr. Y asked. Mark just nodded and waited for an answer. "'s next to the United Kingdom..." Jack spoke up. "Very good Jack, did your parents teach you that?" Jack only nodded and eyed Mark curiously. "Mark, since Jack is new, would you like to make him feel at home?" "Sure, but first things first, I'M the king of the jungle gym." Mark grabbed Jack's hand and dragged him outside.

•13 years ago, Jack was 12•

"What'd you say to me punk!? Repeat it! I dare you!" Ken lifted Jack up by the collar and pulled back his fist, ready to punch Jack right in the gut. "HEY!" Ken and his group of bystanders looked over to the voice annoyed. "Why don't you, leave the Irishman alone." Ken looked around making his groupies and Jack confused, then he released Jack as he walked to the area where the voice was coming from. "Look I don't know who you are bu-"

Nobody was there, not a single soul. "Hey Ken, McLoughlin's gone." "Grrr, AND YOU LET HIM GET AWAY!? Doesn't matter. Next time, McLoughlin will be mine." Jack looked behind the brick wall to see if he left yet then looked back to the man staring at him. "It's been a while Jack...I'm sorry I left you." "Right, sorry. But that's not enough, Mark." Jack made sure to emphasize his name just in case Mark didn't know how he felt. "I believed you were the only person I could really trust, only person who wouldn't make fun of me for who I am, what I love and what I believe in. You let me down, big time." "Because I didn't know how to feel about the information you gave me!" "ALL I DID WAS TELL YOU MY SEXUALITY AND YOU LEFT! YOU WERE ALL I HAD LEFT MARK..."

The awkward silence caved in on the two boys, both staring into each eyes. "That's why I wanted to apologize to you, Jack. It was extremely stupid of-" "Got that right." "Stupid of me to judge you...when I'm different as well." Jack, no longer angry, was suddenly confused of what Mark meant. "A-Are you...?" "...bisexual..." Jack was pleased that he wasn't the only (he knew) that was part of LGTBQ community. Before both of them knew, their lips were on each.

"Mark...promise to never leave me..." "Never in a million years, Jackaboy."

•Present time•

"You two are too cute! Totally relationship goals." "Nooo, I'm pretty sure you and Wade are the relationship goals." Y/N groaned at Jack's statement which only made him laugh. Jack felt a sudden tap at his right shoulder, before he turned Jack saw Y/N get hugged by Wade. Cute he thought. Jack finally turned around to see his boyfriend, Mark standing behind him with his arms open.

"Hey Babe." "Markimoo what are you doing here? Aren't you suppose to be doing a livestream?" Jack wrapped his arms around Marks neck and pecked his lips. "Yeah, but this is more important." Mark pushed Jack away, but not before giving him a kiss and got on one knee. "Jack William McLoughlin, We've been best friends for the longest time, not even best friends, lovers and I want to spend the rest of my time with you, I want to adopt a child and raise them, with you. So, will please give me the honor of calling you my husband and marry me?" Mark opened the box and looked up at his adorable boyfriend.

Jack looked throughout the Starbucks. The place was silent and waiting for Jack's answer, He turned and looked at Y/N, who was smiling way too much. Only because they knew they would be Jack's best man/maid of honor. Jack looked back at Mark, who was holding on to his left hand, ready to place the ring on his finger.

"...who would say no to a fantastic, handsome, funny, dorky guy like you?" "Is that a yes?" "OF COURSE IT'S A YES!" Mark slipped the ring on and hugged Jack real tight. Everyone was clapping and Y/N was crying tears of joy. "Ready to go home, Mr. Fischbach?" "Mr. Fischbach...I could get used to that." Mark smirked and before they knew it, Jack has smashed their lips together in a passionate but slowly kiss.

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