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First ReaderXJack, requested by @creativedork3000 😅. Jack's POV.

Jesus, I can't express how good of a dancer Y/N is, but seeing her ice skate? Gorgeous. Y/N and I have dancer partners for years and today she wanted to practice her solo/duet moves...on ice.

To be honest, I can't ice skate. At all. I've tried but always fall and get laughed at. "I'm glad you could make it." Y/N skating to the edge on the side that I'm on. "Yeah, but it's kinda dead for a skating rink outside." "It is dark and late outside, Jack. My Aunt and Cousin sometimes run this place. Ready?" I nodded and tried to balance on these dangerous shoes, Y/N grabbed my arm and helped me to the entrance of the skating rink.

"Alright, let's get some stretches in." For maybe 20-30 minutes all we did was skate around the ice in a circle, sometimes she'd let me go, I'd grab onto the side and that would make her laugh. God I love hearing that laugh, it's more beautiful than her actual voice. "Okay enough play time, let's get to work." Y/N pulled me close as I placed a hand on her waist. "Are you sure you can do this? It doesn't look like you're balanced enough." "I'm fine, Y/N. Let's just get this done and over with." "Actually Jack...I was thinking we could...y'know skate around and not practice?" I smirked and she put her head down in embarrassment.

"Y/N L/N, are you asking me out on a date?" I put my finger under her chin and lifted her head up to look me in the blue eyes that everyone loves. Y/N stared into them and stared right back. Her eyes were so E/C that you could get lost in them. "Jack?" Oh shit I did get lost in them. "Oh, uh sorry." I smirked, finally realizing I can use that pick up line. "I was too busy getting lost into your eyes." Y/N blushed and skated away with a smile on her face.

"How about, we drive over to Starbucks and get some hot chocolate?" I called out to her. "Or maybe we can go back to my place and make homemade hot chocolate?" She shouted back. It seemed like she totally forgot that she was skating backwards, because the next thing I knew she tripped over herself and was now on the ice crying.

I covered my mouth in shock (picture on the right.) and skated over as fast as I could. Which was what? 5mph? But anyway, I finally made my way over. I squatted down to her level and looked at her in fear. (picture on the left.) " okay?" She looked up at me with teary E/C eyes. "Do I look okay, you dip?" Y/N asked sarcastically, wiping her eyes with her white gloves. "Where does it hurt?" I asked but smirked, trying to make her smile. "You know exactly where it hurts." "Do you need an ice pack?" She stood up and grabbed me by the coat collar and pulled me close.

"Alright wise..." We finally noticed how close we were, my hands on her hips and hers on my chest. Both leaning in, mouths about to touch and do something I wanted to do for the longest 3...2... "Guy..." WHAT!? ARE YOU SERIOUS Y/N!?

"Oh, I'm the wise guy?" "You obviously are, the one over here cracking jokes." She smiled and skated away. I can't believe she just did that, left me hanging like that. Oh she is such a tease. "Y/N, can we get some hot chocolate?" "Yeah!" Y/N skated over, we put our skated away and I followed her to her home.

•Time skip on ice!•

"Hey." Jesus Christ, she's even hotter in sweatpants. "Hey." "Please come in, I don't want you standing the hall my neighbor." And that giggle? Oh man, she's everything I want. "Make yourself at home." I slipped my shoes off and hanged up my coat, Y/N walked into the kitchen, I believe to make us some hot chocolate. I grabbed a blanket, sat on the couch and flipped through the channels since the TV was already on.

"Man, you take home seriously." Y/N smirked. How can somebody be that attractive!? She set down the cups on the coffee table and turned off the lights, only source of light being the TV. Y/N sat right next to me, stealing some of the blanket. Instead of watching Transformers, she decided to put on Netflix. "Are we gonna Netflix and chill now?" I smirked with a little bit of my Irish accent slipping, which she playfully pushed me. "Godzilla?" "Godzilla." She placed her Wii U down on the table and grabbed her hot chocolate, at the same time cuddling into my side. I moved my arm around her and looked down. "Better?" "Much."

I didn't Godzilla was that long, but it was the original. I heard a soft snore and glanced down, I chuckled softly to myself, noticing that Y/N was asleep. This sweet little angel, sometimes the devil, left to dream land. I turned off Netflix and laid down, placing Y/N on top of me. I kissed her forehead before actually falling asleep.

"Y/N, you're the sweetest person I've ever met, ever since I moved from Ireland. Thanks for making me feel like I belong in our dance class. If you weren't there, I'm pretty positive I would have a bad time. You're so gorgeous, smart, adorable and funny. Any guy would be lucky to have you. I love you, Y/N." "...I love you too, Jack." And I fell asleep with the love of my life in my arms and a smile on my face.

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