The end.

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And I thought Jack couldn't get more attractive. I mean, I've seen him in a black tuxedo but a white one? Wade had poked me from behind and told me to man up since I was obviously crying. I really can't believe this day is finally happening, both of our families forming as one. This day couldn't get any better. I smiled to Jack as he made his way up the stairs, we connected hands and stepped closer to each other.

"Afternoon, handsome." I whispered, I love how his blush always appeared in a very slow pace, just like a sunrise, it changes colors as it shows itself. "And hello to you to." Jack's Persian blue eyes focused to the preacher as he started the speech.

•Skipping to the vows•

"And now the vows." The preach stood back, I was about to start but Jack interrupted me. We both glared at each other and ended up playing rock, paper, scissors and Of course I won. So I began, clearing my throat, making the audience laugh.

"Mr. Septiceye, our first date was pizza and video games. Our first kiss was under the stars. Our first double date was seeing DeadPool with Wade and Mandy." I felt Wade poke my back again. "Our first trip together was Disneyland, even though it wasn't so far. Our second date was a trip to Hawaii as a break from YouTube-" "As you vlogged the whole thing." Jack cut off, but my only reaction was to laugh. "I will laugh with you in times of joy and comfort you in times of sorrow. I will listen to you with compassion and understanding and speak to you with encouragement. Together, let's build a him filled with learning, laughter and light, shared freely with all who may live there. Let us be partners, friends and lovers, today and all the days that follow." I finished and wiped Jack pale face from all the tears. The preach stepped back in and continued to talk. "Do you, Mark promise to be a loving friend and partner in marriage, to talk and to listen, to trust and appreciate, to respect and cherish Jack's uniqueness? Do you promise to support, comfort, and strengthen him through life's joys and sorrows? Do you promise to always be open and honest with Jack, and cherish him for as long as you both shall live?" Jack wiped his eyes as I said "I do." Now Jack's turn for vows.

"Mark, you are my best friend. When you first wanted to collab, I knew it was going to become something more, but I honestly didn't think Septiplier was going to be real. I want to thank you for giving me a chance, I want to thank Y/N for supporting me at hard times, I want to thank our parents for accepting us. I promise to love you, cry with you and grow with you. I will love you when we are together and apart. I promise to support your dreams and to respect our differences, and to love you and be by your side through all the days and nights of our lives." He turned to the preacher and nodded. "Do you, Jack promise to be a loving friend and partner in marriage, to talk and to listen, to trust and appreciate, to respect and cherish Marks uniqueness? Do you promise to support, comfort, and strengthen him through life's joys and sorrows? Do you promise to always be open and honest with Mark, and cherish him for as long as you both shall live?" "I do." "I now pronounce you Husband and Husband!"

I didn't think Jacks child side would come out today but apparently it did, as he gave me a small peck on the lips. "Jaaack~" I spun and dipped him as we kissed passionately. We love each unconditional and we hope people can understand that, because Love is Love.

🌈You're in my heart, Orlando.🌈

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