Never Forget

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It's only been 2 hours since my fiancé had past. 2 god damn fucking hours...he died in a car crash, the other driver was fucking texting.

•1 hour before accident•

I had just finished editing the last Until Dawn episode at the same time receiving a lovely text from my fiancé, Mark.

Markimoo: Hey sweetheart, just got done with my shift, I'll be home shortly. ❤️

Jack: See ya soon, handsome. 💚

Mark and I worked a second job to keep food in the apartment while YouTube paid the rent. I decided to be an excellent babe and make us dinner, Mark must be starving after having to personally train someone. I looked into the fridge and pizza sauce caught my eye. Mmm, spaghetti.

{undertale anyone? No? Okay...sorry to interrupt}

I didn't take long for me to cook the spaghetti, then it hit me, Mark and I ate spaghetti on our first date. I should set up our dinner like that. Before I ran to the closet to grab the candles, I heard my phone ring from my bedroom. I reached it just in time, I didn't bother checking the caller ID because being the smart person I am, I thought it was Mark.

"Hey, it's fine if you-" "Mr. McLoughlin?" I almost dropped the phone from hearing a woman's voice on Mark's end. I took the cellular device off my ear and looked at the caller was Mark's Doctor. "Y-Yes?" "Mark got in a terrible car accident an-" "TELL ME HE SURVIVED! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!" "I-I'm s-sorry Mr. McLoughlin. He collided with a man who was texti-" I ended the call, not wanting to hear anymore information. We were texting, right after he got off of work. I threw my phone across the room, not caring if it broke or not. I sat on the couch and that's when it happen, I let my tears come down. How can some people be so careless? Why should we kill each other? We're on this earth together? Then again, asshole wasn't paying attention.

Instead of grieving of the things we would've done, like get married...I wanted to remember the fantastic times we had. I looked at the ring on my left hand and thought about what he said to me.

"Jack, it's been a good 5 years since we've dated and I'm happy that it's still going strong. But I truly want to be something more than just Boyfriend and Boyfriend...I want to be Husband and Husband...Sean William McLoughlin, I love you and I can't express enough with words or actions, but I think asking you to marry is good enough."

That's when I said yes and embraced me with a long hug and a passionate kiss.

"I love you, and I want you to know, no matter where I go, where I am or how far away I am from you. I will love you and never forget about you, ever..."

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