(I'm working as a cashier at a popular fast food restaurant and have had a pretty rough night so far. I'm just finishing up an order on a young lady when I notice a button from a TV show I like on her purse.)
Me: "Oh, you like [TV Show]?"
Customer: *gives me a deer in the headlights look* "...The TV show?"
Me: "Yup."
Customer: *a freaked out look starts to form*
Me: *points to the button on her purse after seeing the freaked out look* "You have a button with the main character's face on it."
Customer: *looks at her purse and calms down* "Oh! For a second I thought you could read my mind."
Me: *laughs* "Oh, if I could read minds I would not be here. I would go play poker and win all the money!"
(The customer laughed too and we talked briefly about the show before she went to wait for her food. I continued to go on with my shift in much higher spirits. It's rare, but getting customers that are able to cheer me up, is a blessing on bad shifts.)