Chapter 4

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Alex’s POV

The first lesson of the day had just ended and I was already bored out of my mind. Next lesson was Maths so I decided to skip. “I have thought about my situation with Natalie enough. Don’t need more reminders of our first fight.”

Even thought I had decided to skip Maths I had no idea what I was going to do for a whole period. Making up my mind I started walking towards the boys’ bathroom. “I’ll just lock myself in a bathroom stall and play around with my cell phone”, I thought happily.


After second period was over, the day went by fast enough for my liking. Before I even knew it, I found myself packing my backpack and getting ready to go home. As usual, it took me quite some time to remember my locker combination and by the time I opened my locker and packed my school books I was one of the last few students inside.

Not wanting to worry my mother by going home late, I quickly grabbed my bag and ran out of school. I was so distracted thinking about what my mum was going to say when I got home late that I barely saw a girl being pushed against the wall by a violent looking boy but when I did I dropped my bag in shock.

I could not believe what I was seeing. Natalie Scott was being violently pushed to the wall by her ex-boyfriend Josh. It was common knowledge among all students that they had been dating for less then six months when they had broken up. Upon closer notice I finally realised what Josh was trying to do. He was trying to rape Natalie.

Without even a second thought to who the girl was he started running towards Josh. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?!” he shouted when he was close enough to be heard by Josh. I saw him turn around and he actually dared to smirk at me.

“Hey there Alex. I’m currently busy as you can see and it’s not anything that concerns you so if you don’t mind going somewhere else…” finished Josh. At that moment I swear I saw red. Without even stopping to think about the repercussions of my actions, I swung my arm and punched him straight in the jaw. I heard a crunching noise that showed me I had broken some bones.

“Get out of my sight right now Josh if you don’t want your nose to receive the same treatment…not that you don’t deserve it”, I said in a barely audible voice. People close to me knew that when I spoke in a low voice it meant I was furious but apparently Josh wasn’t smart enough to catch on since he stayed right there and I saw his arm coming up to punch me back. Ducking as to avoid it, I punched him again and since I always keep my promises I punched him in the nose.

Apparently, he finally realised I was serious since with one last death glare directed at me, he left leaving a traumatised Natalie Scott leaning against the wall while trying to make herself look more presentable. All of a sudden I felt as if the world had fallen on top of me. I couldn’t believe what I had done. I had helped the person I hated the most in the world. I had helped Natalie Scott.

The more I thought about it though and the more I felt that I had done the right thing when I had stopped Josh. No girl deserved to be treated like that, not even Natalie. I had no idea what I was supposed to do now though. Natalie was obviously still in shock about what happened and I dreaded what would come after she got over the initial shock. I could almost imagine all the crying that would take place. She would want a shoulder to cry on and I wasn’t so keen on offering my shoulder.

I was feeling more uncomfortable by the minute. When I had seen what Josh was going to do to her I didn’t think twice before springing into action but now that it was all over I had no idea about what to do. “Should I just leave and give her some space or should I stay and try to comfort her as best as I can? Maybe I should just go inside the school again and get a teacher to help and tell her everything that happened. But she’s probably going to ask me not to tell anyone about what almost happened so she wouldn’t be happy if I tell a teacher. I can’t just leave her here alone after what just happened but I’m not the right person to comfort her since we don’t have the greatest history. The last time we fought was only a few hours ago…” I thought.

She started to talk and I felt relieved. “Maybe I won’t have to choose any of those options after all”, I thought.

“Thanks for helping me. I don’t know what would have happened to me if you hadn’t stopped Josh”, she started. I personally had an idea on what would have happened but knew it was better not to say anything about it. When she was sure that I was listening to her she continued. “I would really appreciate it if you didn’t mention what happened to anyone. Let’s just forget about what happened and go back to normal. I’m really grateful for what you did but this changes nothing between us. I still hate you for everything you’ve put me through these past few years but for what you did…well…I still o-owe you so if you ever need anything…t-tell me as long as you don’t speak of this to anyone else like I said.”

By her stuttering I could tell that she was losing control and that she would soon start crying. “ you want a ride home?” I asked wanting to just go home and try to forget about all that had happened. I tried to hide my sigh of relief when her answer was a shake of her head. Forgetting about what happened would not have been an easy job with her sitting right next to me in my car. “Well then, I guess I’d better get going…if you’re sure you’re alright that is”, I added quickly not wanting her to think I was insensitive.

“Yeah, you’re right. I’ll better get going to. My mum’s probably worried sick about me. I have never arrived home so late before”, she said. With that she finally looked me in the eye and managed a small smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. Her eyes where red and looked really shiny, an obvious sign that there would be a lot of crying once she was out of my sight. With a curt nod she started walking towards her car. I didn’t bother waiting there until she had left. I started walking to my car, got in and drove off without once looking back at her.


Author's Note:'s the new chapter of 'Hate can always turn into Love'. I hope you enjoyed it. I think that this is the longest chapter in the story. Keep in my mind the part where Natalie told Alex that she owes him since it's going to become very important in future chapters, probably the next one. I'll try to upload with a new chapter within this week but I don't promise anything since I have three other stories to upload. Please take the time to review to tell me what you think and vote if you like it. I'd love to hear what you guys think about the whole Natalie owing Alex. Why do you think it will become important in future chapters?? Thanks for reading :)) xx

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