Chapter 5

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Alex’s POV


I finally got home but I still couldn’t believe what had happened. I knew I had done the right thing by stopping Josh but I couldn’t help think if helping a girl was worth making a new enemy. I had no doubt that Josh wasn’t going to forget what happened easily. I had probably replaced Natalie as his main target now.

Nonetheless, I knew I wouldn’t have had it any other way. I couldn’t even imagine what would have happened if I hadn’t been there to help her. I knew without a doubt that Josh wouldn’t have stopped to think twice about raping her. Even the thought of it made me sick.

I desperately needed to think about something happier than a girl’s traumatic experience. He knew it was stupid and insensitive but he couldn’t help remember what Natalie had said after he had helped her. “I still o-owe you so if you ever need anything…t-tell me as long as you don’t speak of this to anyone else like I said”.

“I’ll probably find something I can ask of her...”      I knew what he was thinking was wrong. I would have helped any girl in that situation and it wasn’t fair of him to expect repayment for it. “Now that I think of it though, she did emphasise that she still hates me and that everything should go back to normal. Taking advantage of her is definitely something I would have tried doing normally so I’m actually doing nothing wrong”.

Now feeling a lot more cheerful than he had when first arriving home he started using his time in trying to figure out what to ask of Natalie Scott. His thoughts, however, where interrupted when his cell phone started to ring. He answered without first checking caller’s idea and he could have smashed his head against the wall for being so stupid.

“Hey, baby”, said the voice on the other side of his cell phone. It was his stupid girlfriend, Georgette. She might be hot as hell but she was really starting to get on his nerves. He can’t even look at another girl without her getting mad at him.

“I’m a guy! It’s in my nature to take notice of other girls. I never even talk to them!” I thought furiously. “Hey Georgie”, I said to her. “How are you feeling, babe?” I tried to be as polite as possible and didn’t mention that this was the third time she was calling in an hour.

“Alex, sweetie, are you free this Saturday? Tricia is organising a huge party and all the students in our year will be there. We have got to be there! Unfortunately, Tricia wasn’t kidding when she said all students will be there. The unpopular kids are invited as well. Not that they’ll be stupid enough to come of course but you never know. We can’t not go knowing there’s a possibility they’ll be there too”, I heard her screech into the phone.

I gritted my teeth to keep from shouting at her. “Georgie, couldn’t you have mentioned this party the last two times you called? It’s not that I don’t enjoy hearing from you but I’m currently doing my homework and I really need to concentrate.” Hopefully this would keep her from calling for the fourth time.

“There’s no need to get bossy on me! I had merely forgotten to mention it and I’m doing so now. I would have thought you would be grateful to me for telling you this. Imagine what would have happened if I hadn’t told you about it! All those people at the party would think you weren’t invited and that you’re losing your popularity. You don’t want that do you? Especially since a certain someone you dislike was also invited to the party and would probably be the first one to think that”, Georgette finished ranting.

I immediately knew to whom she was referring and I mentally cursed Georgette to hell and back for reminding me of what happened to her after I had been trying so hard to forget about it. “Look, Georgie, I really don’t want to fight with you especially over the cell phone. I’ll be there next Saturday, okay? I promise.”

She squealed loud enough to burst my ear drums then with a quick goodbye hung up. I released a quick sigh of relief and turned off my cell phone. I knew she promised not to call again but you never know with Georgette.  I know it’s not normal not wanting your girlfriend to call you and it’s wrong to think of your girlfriend as irritating but I can’t help it.

“Maybe Simon is right after all”, I thought. Simon had been constantly bugging me about Georgette. He was of the idea that I should just break up with her if not to stop leading her on than at least to end my own torture of having to hear her squeal on the phone again. As irritating as she was, I still didn’t want to hurt her feelings. She had been there for me all those times I had spent hours complaining about something Natalie did. I couldn’t just dump her as if she was nothing.

That’s when the perfect idea came to me. Georgette knows I don’t love her and she doesn’t love me either. She once told me that if either one of us find someone we truly love we just say so and break up. I couldn’t just dump her for no reason but I could find a girl and pretend to be in love with her giving me the perfect reason to break it off with Georgette.

What girl is better suited for that role other than Natalie Scott? Don’t get me wrong, I still don’t like her and from what she said this afternoon, I’m pretty sure the feeling is mutual and that’s why she’s perfect. If we pretend we love each other I get the chance to break up with Georgette without having to worry about the other girl starting to have feelings for me.

I was positively sure that Natalie would say no. “But she can’t say no when I remind her that she owes me. She can’t say no when I remind her of her own words”, I thought. It was perfect especially since she was invited to Tricia’s party too. “We’ll go there as I couple and I’ll tell Georgette about how much I love Natalie giving me the perfect excuse to break up”, I continued to plan.

Now all I had to do was talk to Natalie about it. Oh joy.


Author’s Note: And here’s chapter 5! What do you think of this twist? Next chapter will be Alex’s confrontation with Natalie about them fake dating! Please take the time to review and tell me what you think. Stay tuned and in the meantime read, comment, vote, and fan! Love you all! xx

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2011 ⏰

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