New Hunter

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Well five months into training, and Sammy is great, a natural. I knew she would be I just never wanted to prove it. I watch as Sam shows her techniques in getting away from an enemy. Something she has yet to master, and that scares me. "Sammy, remember to stay focused on not only your enemy but others that may appear as well." Sam yells to her as he has Cas come around and pretend to attack her. "Ugh, this is crazy! I can't get it." She shouts. "You will get it." Sam tells her. "Why? Because I'm a Winchester? If I can't get it then I won't. I'll be fine here." She says. "You're not a Winchester if you quit." Cas says to her. She looks at Cas and frowns, "This is useless, we need to go out and actually do this. Five months of this is driving me crazy. I mean I know how to practically anything, and how often will I be captured anyway." She says. Sam and I look at each other, "You'd be surprised. We aren't going out until you get this down. Now, again." Sam tells her.

Sammy charges after him, fists balled and nails Sam right in the gut. Cas comes from the side of her and tries to grab her arms, but she ducks and swipes her leg underneath him. Knocking him down, Sam wraps his arms around her, one around her waist and the other her neck. She came to life when she looked at me and saw my worried look. She quickly grabs the arm wrapped around her neck and pulls down causing Sam to tumble over her falling to the ground. Sam looks over at me and then back at her as Cas helps him up. "Where did that come from?" Sam asks her. "I'm not a quitter for one and I don't know, I looked at dad and then I thought about mom." She says taking a drink of water. "Well I'd say she's ready for her first hunt, Dean." Sam says. I nod and walk back into my room.

Soon Cas is with me, "Cas, just leave me alone." I say to him. "No, Dean. I'm your friend. I've seen you grow into a great man and an even greater father. Now you can tell me what's brothering you." He says. "Cas, I don't want her out there in that world I've hid from her. What if she gets hurt? Or worse taken? I couldn't live with myself." I say to him. "Dean, she you, Sam and I watching out for her. She's very well protected and she's well trained." He reassures me. I shake my head, "But is it enough?" I ask. "Just give her a chance. If your father never gave you a chance, where would you be?" He asks me. "Cas, Dad pushed me into this life, I never had a choice. I don't hold it against him, because then I wouldn't be me." I say to him. "He had no choice, just like you don't." He states. "Ok, I'm talking about this. I'm taking a nap, tell Sam to go ahead and find a case." I say opening my door, indicating it's time for him to go.

I lay down on my bed and drift off to sleep... Opening my eyes I see Olivia sitting at the end of my bed. I jump up, "Liv?" I say to her. She turns around with tears streaming down her face, "How could you do it Dean? How could you bring her into this?" She asks me. I know I'm dreaming, this has to be a dream. "Liv, I hid her from this for sixteen years. Some things are inevitable. I'll protect her." I say to her. She stands up facing me, "Protect her? How? You couldn't even protect me!" She shouts at me. "Liv, that wasn't my fault. Sammy's birth was too much for you and you said to save her no matter what." I say to her. "Yeah Dean, save her! Not thrust her into this world and have her become us." She shouts again. "You're gonna get her killed. Our daughter's blood will be on your hands." She says as she walks out of my room. I don't go after because I know this is just a dream and I need to wake up.

I open my eyes, this time I'm awake and there is no Liv. I walk out into the kitchen and grab a beer. Sammy's sitting at the table with a duffle bag shoving things in it. "What are you doing?" I ask her. "Uncle Sam and I are going on a test run. I hope I packed this duffle right." She says zipping it. I walk over to her and check it, "You're missing extra bullets, there's some in my room." I say to her, she begins to walk off when she stops and looks at me. "Dad, I'll be ok." She says and continues on. Sam walks in, "Hey, have a nice nap?" He asks grabbing a water. "A test run?" I ask him. "Yeah, well kind of there's a lone vamp out in the woods on the edge of town, figured she could handle it." He says. I shake my head, "Sam, I don't like this. I never wanted this for her. I need to go back to our life." I say. "Dean, how? I mean she knows everything now. She wants to do this." He says. "Who's daughter is she, Sam? Not yours, mine. If I don't want her hunting, then she's not going." I say to him.

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