Perfect Or Imperfect Summer?

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We had just arrived at the beautiful house my parents had rented out for the summer. I blew my bangs out of my face, eyeing the 2 story house up and down. Grabbing my bags I quickly stumbled inside my jaw dropping  at the beautiful decor of the place. High ceilings, large windows, and best of all, The indoor pool! "Okay so maybe I might enjoy this summer," I whispered to my younger sister Emilia as she danced around the house. My parents stood behind us with amused expressions on their faces. "We knew you both would like it!" my mother exclaimed excitedly. Without saying a word , my sister and I dashed up the stairs , waiting to claim the best bedroom. 

            Frantically searching the house I eventually found the most jaw dropping to die for bedroom! The walls were blue and black and it had the best balcony ever with a view of the ocean. "No fair !" I heard my sister pout as she walked into the room with her arms crossed. "Beat it squirt!" I laughed and pushed her out of the room. I began to set up my stuff, hanging temporary posters of my fav bands (One Direction And Paramore) making it feel like home. When I accomplished that I decided to look around some more. I skipped out of my bedrrom and down the hall to another bedroom that my sister had occupied already. "Nice room squirt," I winked as she threw her giant panda bear at me. I smirked while I shut her door and continued my adventure. 

         I finally ended up downstairs staring longingly at the indoor pool. I wanted to jump in so badly but I knew it would have to wait for Next week since it was "Time Of The Month". Determined to get away from that monster of a pool, I decided to get some fresh air outside. "I'm going outside Dad!" I yelled opening the door, not even waiting for a response. I wondered around the front yard a bit only to spot a smoking hot guy at the house next door staring at me. He quickly smiled awkwardly waving hi . I smiled and waved back, blushing frantically. "Hi there," he said making his way over to me. "Hiya," I replied with a smile. "So my names Connor Porillo," he introduced. "I'm Christina Rosalie Montez," I said, "nice to meet you. "So are you here for the summer?" he asked with that dashing smile of his. "Sure am , my family and I decided to stay here in Florida instead of in New York for the summer," I replied acting as if I knew him forever. He grinned deeply and replied, "well I hope you like it here and I'm looking forward to having a new  friend like you spending the summer with me." "Maybe we can go to the park tomorrow?"he suggested?" I screamed inside and mentally congratulated myself form being cool. "That would be awesome Connor!" I laughed. We exchanged numbers and he went back to his house but not before giving me a friendly hug. I ran  back inside , straight to my bedroom and did a victory dance. After My little celebration I plopped unto my bedspread and thought , "Maybe this summer won't be so... Imperfect." 

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