The Start Of Something New

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"Christina, Christina!" I heard someone say. I groaned for I did not want my precious dream about Connor to end. I quickly opened my eyes to see my 8 year old brat of a sister about to smack me with a pillow. "What do you want Emilia," I snapped as I changed from my pj's to a simple blue tank top with ripped shorts. "Breakfast is ready!" she laughed then pranced down the stairs. I grabbed my Iphone and headphones and followed after Emilia.

   "Morning mom, morning dad," I mumbled , kissing them both on the cheek. "Morning," the replied in unison. I sat down at the large breakfast bareating slowly when the doorbell rang. "Christina get that please!" my mom yelled as she was baking cookies. I got up and answered the door to see a grinning Connor. "Be cool Christina," I whispered to myself. "Hey , ready to go the the park ?" he asked, flashing me his pearly whites. " I blushed madly before replying, "umm sure but can you come inside for a bit?" He nodded while I led him to the kitchen. "Mom, dad this is Connor, he lives next door."I said as they shook hands. "Nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Montez, can I take your lovely daughter to the park?" he asked, sending me a wink. My parents exchanged a glance then nodded their approval. I grabbed my phone and bag then met Connor standing next to His black Chevrolet. "Ready for the best day ever Tina?" He smirked while opening the door for me. I smiled at his nickname for me and made a mental note to get one for him. "Bring it on!" I exclaimed as we bumped fist. I probably didnt know Connor to well, but I could already tell that we would be the Best of Friends. This could be the start of something new.

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