Best Day Ever

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No. No.No no no no. This can't be happening. An amusement park?? Is he serious? We both stepped out of the car , him smiling and me with a look of pure dread on my face. " Umm, Connor, I have a bad history with amusement parks ya kno." I laughed awkwardly. He smirked, "Babe, I know that lol ." I mentally slapped him in his face as he dragged me into my doom.

                                                                                                                      (5 hours later)

"That was epic! Best day ever!" I exclaimed pumping my fist in the air. "I knew you would like it ," Connor smiled like a maniac.  We continued walking until Connor paused. "Did you really enjoy the day Tina?" he asked with adoration in his eyes. "Ofc!" I yelled . He hugged me and thinking it was a friendly hug, I hugged back but when he wouldnt let go I got suspicious. "Well well, Connor like you couldnt wait to get your hands on me , I mean c'mon am I that irresistable ?" I smirked teasing him lightly. He blushed madly then threw me over his shoulders. "Let me goo Con!" I screamed as he ran around singing 'Call Me Maybe' with me slung over his shoulder. I laughed earning amused expressions from strangers. He eventually put me down and we laughed until we had to pee. "You ready to go Tina?" he asked extending his hand for me to take it. "Absoulutely," I smiled taking his hand . We skipped towards the car shouting at the top of our lungs the lyrics to 'I'm Sexy And i Know It'.

                                                                                                           2o minutes later

We pilled up in front of his house at around 8:00 . He dragged me into his house and into the kitchen. " I thought I was going home?" I asked him suspiciously . "Nah , we gon watch some movies and play games," he smirked that smirk I was beginning to love. Wait did I say love? Nope nope nevermind. I shrugged ran upstairs collapsing onto his bed and shutting my eyes. I immediately opened them when I felt a heavy weight on me and slime on my cheek. "Get off Connor! And are you licking me? " I asked grossed out. He jus laughed and continued his doggie activity . I giggled and squirmed until he stopped. I looked into his eyes my breath slowing down. He slowly leaned in ..... 5-4-3-2-1 Sparks!!! After our long kiss he pulled back saying , " well i guess thats what best friends do right?" I watched as he got off of me and put on the t.v. "Right," I sighed as he put his arm around me. Slowly we fell asleep in eachothers arms. Bliss!

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