Does It Mean Something <3

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I woke up with strong arms hooked over my waist. Startled I gently turned around thinking it was a burglar or something. When I turned around I I was relieved to see a snoring Connor smiling in his sleep. I gently kissed his cheek , a smirk forming my lips as I reached for my phone to take a pic. He stirred for I forgot to take off the flash. Shit. His hands tightened around my waist and I smiled. "Does he like me? Are we just best friends? For heavens sakes I slept in his bed. Not that anything happened but....." I thought to myself. 

Connors eyes slowly opened and a large grin plastered itself on his lips. "Good Morning beautiful bff" he yawned. I nodded in his direction with a smile , still deep in thought. He got up and stretched looking as sexy as could be. "Breakfast?" he questioned  motioning for me to jump on his back. "Sure!" I exclaimed climbing right on. He jogged down the stairs with me on his back. "Goodmorning mom!" he smiled kissing her on the cheek. She smiled at him and then noticed me and her eyes went wide. "Christina , honey, you slept over? I hope you too were responsible and used...." she began but Connor cut her off , a light blush emitting his cheeks. "Mom she just slept over. Nothing more ," he said rolling his eyes. I nodded fiercely while she made an 'O' shape with her mouth. "Sorry kids, how about breakfast?" she asked trying to change the subject. " I could eat" Connor and I said in unison and then high fiving eachother . We sat down at the breakfast bar as his mother set down a heaping plate of eggs, bacon, pancakes, hashbrowns and sausage in front of us both. Lets just say... it was fantastic.

                 "Dude soo not cool, you just shot me in the head," I exclaimed as I tried to pull away Connors controller from him. 'GAME OVER!' the game zombie screamed as Connor had obviously won. "Undefeated!" he yelled as he did a lil victory dance. I rolled my eyes and smiled at his utter stupidity. How could a guy I just met capture my heart and make me fall in love so easily? OMG here I go again with that love word ugg. I couldnt take it anymore I had to ask ... so I did...

"Connor?" I called. He gave me a questioning look. Here goes nothing.

"Do you like me?" 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2013 ⏰

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