The Phoenix

144 13 32

(Lots of Fluff?)

PUT ON YOUR WAR- *fluff*


Patrick stared at me dumbfounded. At the edge of my vision, I saw Andy drag Joe out of the room. A heavy blush slowly appeared upon his cheeks.

"I... I-I..."

I shook my head. "You don't have to say anything 'Trick. It just..." My face started to heat up. "I put some things together and it's the only thing that makes any sense. If you want to throw all of this away and pretend it never happened, we can do that."

"No. No, Pete that's not what I meant. I-I just..." He blinked a few times. "Let's make Peterick real. Let's just put on our war paint and face society. We can fight through this. If one of us falls, we have the other. Like you said, the hate will never go away. We'll just have to go on with that brick tied around our ankles and not let it drag us down." The words tumbled from his mouth.

"Just light a match and we'll burn them to the ground," I smirked.

He grinned. "We are the Jack-O-Laterns in July, setting fire to the sky."

I pointed out the window to the lightening sky. "H-Here comes the rising sun, so come on!" (I know those aren't the lyrics. Don yell at meh pls... it's really "rising tide"...)

"PUT ON YOUR WAR PAINT!" Joe came running out of the kitchen with white powder stuff all over his face. And shirt. And arms. And pants. And shoes. And everywhere.

"Joe what the fu-UCK!" I was met with a face full of flour. I coughed out a cloud and shook my head, causing some to get all over Patrick.

"Hey!" he hollered with a laugh.

"Where the flip did you even find flour?" I wiped my face with my sleeve which did nothing to avail me.

"In the cabinet. On accident. I opened it and it went-"


Flour went absolutely everywhere. I waved my hand in front of my face, trying to see what had just happened. Joe had a deadly look upon his face as an oh-so white Andy was grinning like a madman behind him, bag still in hand over Joe's head.

"Yeah. Like that. Just not as much." Joe spat out. He turned his head and glared at Andy who's grin went wider.

"Love ya Trohman," he slowly backed off.

"Yeah I'm gonna show you love here in a second!" He snarled back. Andy dropped the bag and took off running. He jumped out the door into the rain, Joe not far behind.

I looked at Patrick. "Well I'm pretty sure the bath is trashed too, and I'm a bit scared to turn anything on, so I think I may just go outside." He nodded and shrugged off his blac- white trench coat and sat it aside, then held out his hand. I smiled and took it, intertwining our fingers as we walked outside into the rain.

It felt good. Very good. My clothes were soon soaked through and the flour was turned to paste as it washed off.

I let go of Patrick's hand and walked off the front porch step's into the yard. I smiled and turned back to him. I knelt down onto one knee and held out a hand dramatically.

"May I have this dance sir?"

"Dance? Pete, I don't know how to dance." He argued. "There's not even any music." He took a few steps closer.

"I don't know either, but who said it was hard? And we don't need music we have the rhythm of the rain." I stood but kept my hand held out.

He shook his head and slipped his hand into mine, placing the other on my shoulder. I smiled and sat my free hand on his waist. We looked at one another for a moment before stepping to the side.

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