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If I go crazy then will you still call me superman?

Picture: prom

Song: 3 doors down- Kryptonite


Vic's POV

There's no proper way to describe the feeling that performing gives you. It feels ten times better than winning the lottery must feel like. It's like music forms an invisible connection between the crowd and you. At first it had felt uncomfortable, I wasn't used to so many people looking at me at once. But as it went on, I was swept along in the music, forgetting everything but the music and the crowd.

I think I didn't even do that bad. I was quite on tune and the only song I didn't know all the words to was runaway. I don't think anyone noticed though.

Iris was the most amazing to sing. It felt like letting out everything I had felt at once. Everything I had felt about my school situation but also everything I felt for Luna. I couldn't help but look at her during the first part of the song. It was like my eyes were sucked towards her.

I even saw her smile at me when I was singing it, her round blue eyes lighting up with surprise. Did this mean she liked me too? Sure we had been flirting a bit the last few weeks, but that was just as a joke right? And then that moment we had at her house earlier. We were about to kiss right? I wanted to do it, but I was doubting, because it might've ruined everything we had if I did. Not that it mattered, before I could make a decision her alarm went off.

Me and the guys walked off stage and back to the classroom we had prepared in. All the way in the hallway Jaime, Mike and Tony were yelling, cheering and jumping of excitement, getting out all the adrenaline of the show. I even joined in sometimes.

''This was the best set we have ever done!'' Jaime yelled as we walked into the Spanish classroom throwing his hands up in the air.

Tony was loudly agreeing with him and they started talking about the crowd and the songs. Mike walked over to a seat in the back, took out a towel out of his bag and wiped his sweaty hair out of his face with it. He sat down and his remained quiet. I hadn't talked to him for years, but I knew that if Mike was quiet after something like this, it meant he was worrying about something. I wanted to ask what it was, but I figured it would only make things worse.

Suddenly I felt a hand hit my shoulder. It was Jaime, who was standing next to me and smiled at me. ''You rocked man! I can't believe you can sing like that.'' He said.

I shrugged it off, but couldn't help a smile growing on my face. ''I loved doing this so much.'' I said, thinking back at my half hour on stage.

''Welcome to the drug that is called making music.'' Tony said smiling widely. ''There's no turning back now.''

I laughed. ''I don't think I ever want to.''

''Well after I have learned you to play the guitar, you'll be able to perform yourself. You should really keep doing it, like I told you, singing is a gift.'' He said as he put his guitar in his back and started to untangle the cables.

''Well, if you ever want to replace me again, go ahead.'' Jaime said. ''I like playing bass way more and you're way better at singing than me anyway.''

I heard Mike scoff from the back of the class, but I ignored it. ''If you ever need me, just say so. I would love to fill in.''

Then the door went open and Luna came running at me in flew in my arms. I hugged her back smelling the light strawberry sent of her hair. When she was hugging me, I didn't want to let her go.

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