Make a move

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We got all our lives to lose,

Screaming in the dark while we just play our part

Picture: Suzy ( imagine her being covered with acne)

Song: Icon for hire- Make a move


Vic's POV

I hate hospitals. I hate them. I guess I'm not the only one, but still. People always go to hospitals for bad news. Whether they are the victim or they now someone who is diseased or wounded. I guess the only reason to be happy to be in the hospital is if you're expecting a baby. And not even those people were always happy to be there.

But despite my hate for hospitals I was still walking the white halls which were decorated with paintings and plants. They weren't of much use. The horrible ambiance of dying and sick people couldn't be erased by 'decorating' the halls.

When we were walking, we were quiet. No one said anything. Every single one of us knew that the incident on school was never supposed to happen. They won with this one. I think deep inside we felt guilty of starting this and going on with it, deflecting so much pain on others.

Especially me. I was so consumed by my hatred towards that guy, that I didn't see what he was up to. Or maybe I did, but I just didn't care at that moment. I just wanted my revenge. I wanted to feel better by giving the person that gave me this pain what he deserved.

But it didn't make me feel better, because in the end, I still didn't have her back. The girl I had fallen head over heels for. One of the people on earth I loved the most. And I have never been able to tell her. Now, I regret not telling her I loved her before, because I might never see her again.

I start to feel tears come up, but luckily for me, we just arrived at the room we needed to be. I saw Mike, who was walking in front, take a breath and knock on the door.

"Come in!" Jaime's voice sounded from the other side of the door. I was preparing myself for how he might look. Seeing Mike, Leah, Tony and Casey with bruises and scratches all over was bad enough. I was expecting Jaime to look worse, because he ended up in the hospital. We had no clue of what had happened to him. After the fights at school I had picked up Mike from the police station with my mom and Casey. After that my mom hadn't allowed us to go see Jaime or anyone else for that matter. Not that it was visiting hour anyway, but still. Now it was the day after and I actually didn't really wanted to know how he was doing, just in case it would be bad. He could be having those weird tubes in his nose or his face could be unrecognisable. Well, at least the fact that he was talking told us that he was conscious.

Mike opened the door and we all walked in, a little bit afraid to look. Jaime was laying on the bed, smiling at us with his familiar goofy smile. He looked bad, but not as bad as I expected him to look like. He had a small, but deep cut in his lip which was kept together by stitches, under his hospital gown several bruises were visible and he had a black eye. The worst thing was his left arm, which was covered in a white casket that reached until his upper arm.

"Hey Jaime, how are you?" Leah asked as she walked over to stand next to his bed. It seemed like a stupid question. Of course he wasn't alright, but I knew someone had to ask, because that was how social manners work in this society.

"I'm hanging in there." Jaime said. "Do you get it? I'm 'hanging' in there?" he raised his casket which was hanging on to his neck by a sling.

Everybody laughed, despite the situation we were in. Which felt unnatural, but not bad.

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