Chapter 3

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I stood up slowly and kept my eyes on the ground. I checked my pockets to make sure everything was still there. Once I assured myself I had all my shit, I pulled a fag out and lit it.

"Well, this was fun, soo..BYE!" I yelled as I turned and booked it out of the park. I could hear the person chasing me , I hung a left and went down a dark street.

I turned to look behind me and saw the guy catching up.

"CATCH ME IF YOU CAN MUTHER FUCKER!!!!" I yelled over my shoulder as I turned right and ran into a pasture. I stopped and turned, He was hesitating at the gate.

"What's the matter? Scared of the beasties in this field? Probably a good decision, Shetan would most likely eat you." I taunted. I turned and whistled, I was rewarded with thunderous sound of a large creature running at me. My Arabian gelding slid to a halt inches from me. I swung up on him and turned to the man, he had others with him now.

"As much fun as this was, I best be on my way now." I kicked Shetan forward into a gallop an aimed him at the gate. I laughed at the men's gasps as We flew over them and disapeared into the dark.

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