Chapter Eight

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When I woke up, I found Casha sleeping in her bed and the couch empty. I thought that Roger must've got up during the night and left for his own room. In thinking that, I got up to use the washroom. I dragged myself out of bed and groaned tiredly as I made my way to the bathroom door. I swung the door open and shrieked, scared to find a body in my hotel room's tub. The body jolted and I found it was only Roger that had fallen asleep in the bathtub.

"What the hell?!" He shouted. "Hadley?! What the... What am I..."

"Why are you sleeping in my bathtub?" I asked harshly.

"I... I don't even know I got here," he murmured, rubbing his temples gingerly. "Wait... What're you doing in my hotel room?"

"You're in my hotel room," I stated.

"I don't even want to know how I got here," Roger muttered, trying to crawl his way out of the tub. He stood on feeble legs and made his way out of the bathroom by holding the walls and muttering curses.

"If you'd really like to know how you got here, you might wanna sit down for coffee," I chirped before hearing the door of the hotel room slam. Roger had left for his own room, leaving myself and Casha alone. Casha was sleeping soundly and I had left myself to watch TV. I was glad to hear an unaccented voice on the television. Well, an un-British voice.


Since Queen had an early meeting with Mott the Hoople to arrange concert plans, it was only the Queen wives or girlfriends, Casha, and I. Mary, Veronica, and Chrissie were nice enough to invite us to breakfast at the café downstairs in the hotel. I gladly accepted the offer and even woke Casha up so that she could arrive to the meal on time.

"So, Hadley and Casha," Mary Austin said when we arrived at breakfast, "how'd the rest of your nights go?"

"It was great, actually!" Casha squealed, sitting down with her food in front of her. "I had a lot more fun than I thought I'd have."

"And you, Hadley?" Mary asked politely.

"It was godawful," I grumbled, lazily slouching back into my chair. "I was forced into taking care of a drunk kid!"

"Drunk kid?" Chrissie asked, confused.

"She means Roger," Veronica chuckled.

"Ugh, I better be getting paid," I growled, slicing my fried egg with a fork. "I am getting paid, right?"

"Most likely, if Brian said so," Chrissie chimed with a smile.

Suddenly, girl talk happened. Dresses, makeup, clothes, body spray... Oh please, somebody gag me. Casha of course loved this conversation dearly. Nothing mattered more to her than a delicate, feminine appearance. I on the other could not stand this kind of talk.

"So, uh, I'm going back up to the hotel room," I stammered, getting up from my chair. "Thanks for breakfast or whatever."

"Wait, Hadley, before you leave," Mary said before looking back at her friends, "are you particularly single?"

"Yes," I answered with a puzzled look on my face, "I'm legitimately single as well. Why do you ask?"

Mary chuckled. "Oh, someone was only wondering."

"Someone?" I asked, startled. "Who?"

"Can't say," Mary giggled.

I nodded a conclusion and walked off.

Ugh. Girls.

I mean, sure, I'm a girl. But not a girly girl. And I mean definitely not.

I trudged upstairs to my hotel room and sighed as I unlocked my door. I hummed In My Life by The Beatles as I sat down on my bed and grabbed for the remote. When I placed my head on the pillow, something crinkled. I stopped humming and sat up immediately, scared of what was underneath the pillow. I'd heard tell of dead bugs, pill wrappers, and in worst-case scenarios, syringes. I gulped and worked up the courage to look underneath the pillow. I hesitantly grabbed the edge of the pillow and lifted it up, afraid of what I might see. The first and only thing I saw was a paper note. It looked like a messy writer had written it, and when I picked it up, I noticed the paper was silky smooth and extremely thin. Almost bible paper, if you know what I mean.

I unfolded the note, my eyes dashing across it, taking in the sentences that were written. To my surprise, the note was addressed to Casha and I.

Hadley and Casha–

One with little faith returns quarter to seven.
One with the most belief will stay until zero.

And that was it. Whoever had wrote it didn't leave their name. I jumped to a conclusion and instantly thought that Roger had written it while he was drunk, but I wasn't completely sure. I contemplated the note for only a second before I was snared by I Love Lucy on the television.


Evening arrived and it was time to head to the Regis College for the concert. Queen would be traveling with Mott the Hoople in the limo this time, as would we. When Casha and I climbed into the limousine, we quickly realized that everybody but us had something rather nice on. We got odd looks immediately, but I surpassed them. Casha and I sat beside Chrissie and Brian and said our solemn hellos. The limo pulled away as I clutched 'my' camera in my hands. It was the only thing I took with me over from London, and seeing how nice it was, I treasured it deeply.

The Mott the Hoople members rode in another part of the limo, but they rolled down the window between the two spaces to introduce themselves. Their voices were very muffled thanks to the radio, but I nodded as if I knew what they were saying.

The limo rolled up to the college two hours before the show started. I wondered what the non-band people would do for two whole hours. Veronica seemed to have an idea for the five of us.

"We should go shopping!" She exclaimed.

"Oh no," I grumbled. "No, no, no, no, no." I rubbed my temples in stress.

"Oh, why not, Hadley?" Mary asked.

"I don't do shopping," I muttered. "Plus, I don't even have any money!"

"I have some money that could go towards you and Casha," Chrissie said generously. "You could buy a new outfit to replace those scraggly things you've been wearing for a while."

Scraggly things?

"Ugh," I growled. "Fine."

"To the mall, driver!" Mary shouted excitedly.

I grumbled loudly, making sure everyone heard.

You have got to be kidding me.



Hello, darlings!

I've got a new book out if you'd like to check it out! It's titled:

•Queen One-Shots

I think you can tell what kind of book it is.

Also, thank you for all the support, reads, and favourites!

Sorry for taking so long on this :/

And finally, this chapter was crap XD


Sierra the Cat

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