Bathroom Break

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Bumps rose on my skin, my breath deepening at the sensation of Lauren's hand on my upper thigh. She always did this to me in public, and the demon on my shoulder liked it.

Squirming in my seat I felt her hand inch closer to my center, my jaw tightening in response. It wouldn't be such a big deal if our producer's consultant wasn't sitting directly across from us. Yet Lauren found no shame in making me anxious while in his line of sight.

"So we'll start Monday then?" He asked.

I agreed silently as the rest of the girls verbally answered. I was terrified to open my mouth, knowing my voice would crack from nerves. Lauren was relentless.

I wondered if I looked natural or if I seemed awkward from suppressing my moans. I couldn't remember the last time Lauren and I had had a moment alone. It was killing me, and after what felt like months I was desperate for a release.

She leaned over then, her lips barely touching my ear, "I want you. Right now"

I felt her squeeze my bare thigh, those trimmed nails lightly digging into my skin. I felt my hand grip my glass of water as I sucked in a deep breath. Why did she insist on now? Not that I wasn't thinking the same thing, but now?

But in all actuality I would comply to anything Lauren wanted because I was just as desperate as she.

"Excuse me," I say, a tremble of anxiousness in my voice. "I have to uh... Go to the restroom."

"I'll come too," Lauren's emeralds burned into mine before we both left the table. If she didn't mind the obviousness of this situation then I didn't either.

Disappearing into the bathroom Lauren closed the door behind me, bolting it for privacy. I felt her hands grab my waist almost desperately, moans already threatening to escape my mouth.

I mumbled into a kiss, "You just couldn't wait till tonight could you?"

Shaking her head she hoisted me onto the marble counter, pushing my dress above my waist. Her lips were attacking me mercilessly, barely giving ourselves time to breathe in between kisses. My skin was burning as her hands roamed up my legs, my core burning with every ounce of desire I possessed.

Her lips traveled to my neck and I pleaded, "Please don't leave marks..."

She grumbled against my neck, "Fine."

Her hands squeezed my thighs as she bit against my ear, shivers running up my spine. I moaned aloud this time, my body lighting on fire instantly.

"I love that," Lauren mumbled, referring to the sounds I was making. I smiled in response.

That's when her slender fingers played with the hem of my panties, twinges of desire running through my veins. I buried my hands in her hair while she continued to tease me.

"Lauren..." I begged, not wanting to be gone too long. They would notice.

Pulling my underwear to the side she ran one finger up my slit, eliciting another throaty moan to escape. God she needed to stop playing already.

Throwing my head back I closed my eyes, focusing on her pressure that was about to dive into me. The anticipation was agonizing, and if she didn't give in soon I would for sure combust.

Spreading my legs a little wider initiated her to enter, my body contracting in response. I felt my walls tighten around her fingers, trembles erupting through me.

I moaned, "Oh God..."

Lauren wasted no time pumping into me, rubbing against my g-spot with the right amount of pressure. The pleasure was fantastic, and I was suddenly glad she hadn't wanted to wait until later.

Her lips captured mine again to suppress the noise, teeth clashing as tongue battled. Her simply kissing me ignited the most intimate sensations, everything combined was heavenly.

She began to tease me again, which was the last thing I wanted. She didn't need to prolong this, I was already on the edge as it is.

"Lauren... Harder..." I pleaded.

Luckily she complied, speeding up as she kissed against my neck. I didn't understand how I was already coming undone but I was, and there was no stopping me now. I was a derailing train.

My legs tightened around Lauren's waist, pulling her closer to me as I felt waves wash though my body. My hands tightened in her hair as my head buried itself in the crook of her neck. Suppressing my moans seemed to be impossible.

"Oh fuck!"

Lauren moaned too, which sent me even more over the edge as she held me tight. My body reacting just like it always did when I came undone for her.

I pulled back, panting slightly while my lips recaptured hers. That felt too good not to repeat later tonight whenever we got back to the hotel.

I ordered, "I can't wait to repay you..."

She smirked, light red tinting her cheeks, "But first... we have to make it through this dinner."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2015 ⏰

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