It's A Long Story

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Harry’s POV

After placing a chaste kiss on her forehead, her mouth tugged up into a smile before she went into a slumber. My hands ran through her auburn hair, occasionally coming across knots on the way. She looked like an angel. Running my fingers lightly across her cheek, I saw the light bruise that must’ve came from Taylor. I swear that if it wasn’t for her moving around earning my attention, I would’ve killed him. Just seeing her lay sprawled on the ground made anger take over me. I leave business finished not any leftovers. He had an exception. I’m not usually nice to people but there’s something about her that makes me have the urge too. Maybe it’s her goodness. But I know that sooner or later she will see my other side. The one I fear of her seeing.

After all that’s happened to her today, she still managed to keep herself in good spirits. If I didn’t come any quicker, worse could have had happened.

I find it amusing embarrassing her. She thought I didn’t catch her checking me out in the kitchen. It was adorable how she tried to cover it up. But she should know that I’m always watching.

Looking up at the paused TV , I grabbed the remote and turned it off. I didn’t want to continue watching TV because she might’ve waked up and she needs the rest.

Getting into a comfortable position I went off to sleep while holding her in my arms.

~3 hours later~

London’s POV

Squinting my eyes from the sunlight blaring in form the windows , I tried to get up. The sun was making my head start to hurt. I must’ve drunk to much water because it feels like my bladder is about to explode.

 Don’t you ever just get the feeling that if you move the wrong way everything will just come out?

Yeah I feel like that right now.

Lifting my head up from Harry’s lap I tried to get up, but something was stopping me. Turning my head slightly up I saw that his arms were wrapped around mines loosely as his curls covered his face. He looked at peace.

But I’m not going to be at peace yet until I use the damn bathroom.

I tried pushing his arms off mine but it didn’t work, his arms weighed tons. I began wiggling and trying to move out of his grip but he just tightened his hold while mumbling in his sleep. Sighing in defeat , I had to call him out.

“Harry!” I whispered yelled at him trying to gain his attention

He groaned and moved his head to the side.

I knew he heard me omg

“Harry!” I said once again while getting slightly annoyed.

“Ssssh” he mumbled back at me while moving his body.

Is he serious right now or?

“HARRY!!!” I screamed as loud as I could. His body jerked forwards and his eyes shot right open. He looked around as if he just came out of a bad dream. I almost fell off the coach but I caught my balance.

“What the hell are you yelling for?” his raspy voice said obviously annoyed that he woke up from his nap. I was taken aback by his tone of voice but shook it off.  

“I need to pee!” I shot back at him while glaring at him trying to unwind his hands off of me.

“Let’s just go back to sleep.” He replied while closing his eyes back.

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