A Good Little Girl

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A/N Sorry for such of a long wait! Here's the new chapter! It's not written in first person, it's in third person omni! I promise it's not that hard to read, just try to pay attention more?! Lol i'm going to start writing like this from now on because it's easier for me :) it's late so i didn't have time to make a quesiton *sobs* lol but thanks so much for the votes,reads,and comments on this story! It means the world to me and um it's going to be ending soon..maybe in the next five chapters?!!? but's it's going to have a sequel so yay :)

follow me on insta @zarrysupreme_

love, katie xx

London looks up at the middle aged teacher scribbling upon the board with a black marker uninterestingly as well as the rest of the classroom. Although there are a selection of students who look at the board excitingly— she wasn’t one of them. She had come to school expecting for all of her teachers to spare their students by not assigning them work over the prolonged holiday break. She knew it was too good to be true. Hopefully from now on, she’s stop getting her hopes up so high. It doesn’t always pay off well.

“Okay, guys,” the teacher’s relaxed voice says, earning majority of the classes attention. Students look up from their opened notebooks when she turns around, facing the classroom. “What I have written on board is to be placed on my desk as soon you walk in the second of January. Late work will accepted only if there is a legitimate excuse. If not, ten points will be deducted each day you fail to hand it in.” she goes to speak again but stops and diverts her attention to a student whose hand is raised.

“Can we work with partners?”

She nods. “I was just about to address that issue.” She smiles. “You may work with whoever you wish granted that there is an ample amount of questions. However, everyone is still held accountable for handing in their individual assignments.”

London’s delicate manicure chipped fingers shuffle around inside of her bag in search of her phone for a while before she’s able to retrieve it. Her camera zooms in on the text scattered on the board and she quickly snaps two pictures; the first one came out blurry while the second one –perfectly focused—came out just right. A silent sigh leaves her parted pink lip-glossed lips when she places her phone on her desk.

Everyone returns back to chatting amongst each other and she turns to the right and faces Tony with a small smile.

“I’m almost positive that you’re not going to do these problems all by yourself. So we should definitely work together over the break.” She says. There’s no way in hell that’s she’s going to do 150 math problems alone. Maybe if she had a month to complete it rather than a little bit over a week. Either way was absurd.

His large hand reaches up to adjust the black rimmed glasses around his deep brown eyes before nodding. “Yes. That’s a lot of work considering I’m always doing extra work. I think she’s trying to kill us over the break.” 

“I’m pretty sure she’s doing that as well,” she agrees, nodding her head.  “But look at the bright side. Since we’re doing this, we don’t have to worry about taking a three chapter test when we come back. And we have Google—my best friend.”

Tony laughs.

“So are you excited for the game tonight?” she asks even though she’s pretty sure he is. It’s the first game of the season after all and she wouldn’t miss it for the world. Besides, what kind of girlfriend would she be if she was to miss her boyfriend’s first game?

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