Chapter 19; Anna and Twelve Year Olds

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"I have an idea of how we're going to find the jerk." Chris says, leaning over my desk towards me.

"The jerk?" I ask, stacking my school books on top of each other and pushing my pen into the metal rings of my notebook.

"Well I can't just say you-know-what out loud and whoever it is is obviously a jerk, so it seemed fitting." He explains.

"If we're going to have code names I vote for something more clever than 'the jerk'." I say, doing an impression of his deep voice.

"It's a work in progress." He smirks. "I'll get back to you on it."

"So how are we going to find 'the jerk'?" I ask and he grins.

"We're going to bake cookies. Or brownies, or any sweet shit you know how to make." He says with a mischievous grin.

"Mr. Grimes, let that be the last foul word I hear in my classroom." Mr. Jacobs says from behind Chris and he frowns at me.

"Now the both of you get to training. Unless you aren't allowed anymore after your latest incident, Ms. Greene?" He sneers. He reminds me of the snake Chris and I encountered.

"Oh she's allowed all right, but we'll probably just ditch and end up getting it on in the janitor's closet instead." Chris says cheekily. "You know us teenagers and our raging hormones."

Mr. Jacobs eyes widen until they seem like they will pop out of his head. He starts to splutter some words that I can't understand before turning and walking away while I burst out laughing and Chris grins at me.

"Chris!" I laugh, slapping his arm. "Why did you tell him that?"

"Come on, we've got to go to Mrs. Thompson's so we can lose your guard." He says, looking back to the strange man who has been following me around with a gun all day.


Ditching my guard isn't as easy of a feat as we thought it would be, considering he stands right outside the door of Mrs. Thompson's office and refuses to go even though she tells him that she's got it under control. I guess Eve told him not to leave me under any circumstances.

"So what are we going to do now?" I ask, slumping down into one of the chairs and crossing my arms over my chest.

"You're going to sneak out, of course." Del answers me.

"How are we supposed to get past the guard?" Chris asks. "We can't exactly bring him with us."

"You two have no imagination." She rolls her eyes at us, pulling the window curtain up and opening the window.

Chris and I lean forward to watch her as she pops something in the iron bars on the window and pulls it off completely.

"What the hell?" Chris says. "Those weren't real this whole time?"

"No, but you thought that they were, as does everyone else who sees them and that's what matters." She winks at us.

"Wow." I say. "They were just an illusion this whole time."

"It adds to the affect." She winks.

"Now come on you two, out you go." She says, stepping back from the window. "Be back by five and do not tell anyone about my bars."

Chris goes out the window first, making it look easy. I, of course, being the clumsy person that I am, fail miserably. I attempt to hoist myself up the same way he did but I can only lift myself about two inches up.

Del silently gets a chair for me while my cheeks redden. I climb up onto the widow sill with one leg in and one leg out. I swing my other leg around and almost scream from the height. It's at least ten feet.

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