Chapter 7; Messages Delivered

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After the sad events of the day I take a steaming hot shower, something we have the luxury of thanks to the near by lake and wood powered water boiler outside. They set up a system and made it work. When it gets hot enough they turn the water boiler off and make us take cold showers with straight lake water. Those are a little bit brutal, but it's better than nothing. That's another thing, the people here are incredibly smart. They built themselves a place to call home.

Afterwards, I dress in a clean pair of dark jeans and a simple dark green blouse. I stop in front of the mirror for a minute, studying myself. I've avoided mirrors like they are the Black Plague for some time now. Everything about them just makes me feel so... so empty. Like there's nothing left in there and my body is just a big empty shell that I'm tied down to, numb to feeling. But on the shell of myself, all I see is disappointment. Disappointment in myself, the disappointment I am to others.

I glare at myself for some time, my eyes glued to my reflection, until someone else walks into the bathroom. I shake my head a little to clear the dizziness away and pick up my stuff, preparing to leave.

"Hey, you're Anna, right?" A voice stops me. I spin around on my heel to look at the smallish girl with an accusing voice staring at me.

She wears a lot of eyeliner and has her dark hair styled in short pixie style cut.

"Yes?" I question. I've seen her around before but never actually spoken to her or payed her much attention. I can't imagine why she's speaking to me now.

"Can you give this note to Carl for me?" She asks, digging around in her jacket pocket before holding out a smoothly folded piece of white paper.

"Why?" I ask suspiciously, narrowing my eyes at her.

"You two are friends, correct?" She says a bit to snippily if you ask me.

Hey, she's the one asking me for a favor! I give her a blank stare in response and she rolls her eyes at me.

"Just give it to him!" She says exasperatedly, shoving it at me and giving me no choice but to take it from her outstretched hand.

"Who should I say it's from?" I ask. I have no idea why I'm agreeing to this.

"Emily." She says almost proudly. "Oh wait, one last thing."

Emily snatches the paper back from me and I gape at her and my eyes widen as she presses her lips to the outside of it, successfully leaving a red lipstick lip print on it before handing it back to me.

"Thanks!" She says cheerfully, kissing her hand quickly and then waving at me.

I stand there in complete bewilderment, my hand still extended with the paper lying in it and my mouth hanging open.


Back at my room I pace back and forth, actually pace, the note burning a hole in my pocket.

Why do all these girls have to keep flirting with Carl and being interested in him? First Aria, then Natalie, and now Emily! Who even is this Emily chick? The name Emily sounds much to nice and sweet for someone decked out in leather and spikes. Regardless, he's mine! But.. he's not mine, and it's wrong to not give him the note.

Swallowing my pride, I march out the door and to the boys' building. I know he'll be in his room at this time. I march straight to his room, not bothering to knock, which I probably should have done.

I shriek, slapping my hand over my eyes to block Carl's shirtless body from my view.

"Calm down, it's not like you haven't  seen me shirtless before." He chuckles.

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