Ten Facts About Me Tag

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I was tagged by god_damn_catsxoxo

1. Your nickname:

I have a lot, but the one my family and friends call me most is Bella or Bell.

2. Your eye color:

Green. I used to hate them when I was younger, but now I actually really love my eyes.

3. Your hair color:

Blonde, but in the winter it gets darker.

4. One fact about you:

I'm an overly nice person because I know how awful it is feeling left out and how bad it makes me feel when someone is mean to me, so sometimes people insult me just because they know I would never say anything back to them. Because of this I have been really depressed lately, and it sucks because it makes me hate my own personality.

5. Favorite color:

This is going to sound so basic, but black, grey, and white. I don't really like bright colors.

6. Favorite place:

This is a hard one, maybe my dance studio or the local amusement park.

7. Favorite celebrity:

I'm not big on celebrity's but either Robbie Kay or Skander Keynes.

8. Favorite animal:

Cats or Panda Bears. I own a female calico cat😊.

9. Favorite song:

I couldn't possibly choose, I literally am obsessed with a new song every week, but these are some of my favorites right now.

Immortals - Fall Out Boy

The kids aren't all right - Fall Out Boy

Stand up - The Cab

This is what makes us girls - Lana Del Ray

Dirty Diana cover - The Weeknd

10. Favorite book:

I have so many, I could never pick just one, but some of my favorites are

Innocence (OUAT/ Peter Pan)
By: kkshootingstar here on Wattpad.

Heaven Looks A Lot Like The Mall
By: Wendy Mass.

The Great Gatsby
By: F. Scott Fitzgerald

I know I have more, but none are coming to mind ugh. Basically I'm a sucker for a story that can make me cry.

I'm not going tag anyone, but please comment your answers in each question! I would love to know more about you guys!

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