Chapter 23; The Kids Aren't Alright

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Chris waits for me, crouched down beside the giant rock on the balls of his feet. His knife is drawn and his breathing is slowed down so that he is completely silent. I'm waiting as well, about a dozen yards behind him. If there's one thing I've learned, it's that you never let your opponent know which direction you are in from them.

I've never seen him act so serious in the arena before. Usually he doesn't really care what happens. I imagine that this is how he was a few months ago during the time period that Eve said he won all the time.

The sky is bright blue, the air crisp, and the birds loud. They help to conceal any noise I accidentally make.

My breath hitches when I notice movement, but not next to me, next to Chris. He heard it too. He's on his feet in a second as a body jumps out of woods at him. I furrow my eyebrows, watching as the boy moves to attack him. I don't remember his name, although I recognize his face.

The two of them jump at each other and I can't help but think that Chris is actually going to be stabbed. I grind my teeth in worry. In a second, Chris is on top of the boy on the ground and his knife is at his throat. Eve said that we won't be using blood belts from now on because in real life we won't have them. What we have to do now is get our opponents in a situation where they will absolutely be killed, and then they're out. I like this new rule. I've taken out three people today just with my bow and arrows.

The boy holds his hands up in surrender and Chris laughs a little bit, standing up and offering the boy his hand to help him up.

"Good job, man." He chuckles.

Chris thanks him and the boy turns to exit the woods. He stands and waits for about five minutes and I watch him in confusion, until I hear the horn signaling that we're the only ones left. Chris grins and leaves while I silently curse.

I follow him from a far away distance, staying low to the ground and stopping when I need to. I'm not sure where he's going, but I have a sneaking suspicion that he's looking for me.

After about ten minutes of playing follow the leader with Chris, I'm feeling a little fed up. I stand behind a tree and ready my bow and arrows before whistling once to get his attention. His footsteps stop and I press myself into the tree, waiting for him to come back this direction. I hear him start to walk towards me until he stops about five feet away from the tree and I hold my breath.

After about three seconds I can tell that he's seen my footprints leading to behind the tree. I quickly step out to the side, my bow pointed straight at his heart.

"I win." I announce with a small smile.

"No, you don't." He says.

"President Grimes said that we fight until the other person is trapped. Were you not listening to any of that, ding-dong?"

"Ding-dong? That must have taken you a while to come up with, I'm impressed." He grins. "And you still didn't win, because if this was a real life situation, I would probably do this."

He forward rolls towards me and grabs my ankles making me teeter backwards and fall. The knife that was in his hand comes flying up through the air towards me. I hear the sound of breath releasing from my lungs as I lay on the forest floor, stunned. The knife finally lands, one inch away from my head.
My ears are ringing and my cheeks feel flushed, my bow and arrow heavily pulling my right arm to my side.

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