A/N: Please Don't Skip :(

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(Written on the 5th of November)

A/N: Hi :/
If you haven't noticed already, and I'm sure you have, I haven't updated this story in a long time. You can be angry at me all you want and I won't mind, I know it's bad. But I'm not exactly in the right mental state to be writing new chapters right now. I'm trying to write as quickly as I can but my mind keeps zoning out, I'm even trying to write at school when I should be paying attention for the next exams. I guess I should tell you what's going on at the moment.
My cat died. Yep. It sounds stupid, right? Well, it's the truth. My four-year-old cat, Jasmine, died and I adored her. She's had babies several times and one day I found her extremely sick. We took her to the vet, she couldn't even move. They said she was a lost cause and put her down. I didn't see it, though. It was only after school that I was told. It makes me wince to think about it and I'm sick of people telling me, "It was just a cat, relax."

When Jasmine was sick she had given birth to six kittens two weeks earlier, and now that she's dead no one could look after them. She hid them and we went looking for them, and then three days later we found them in the rain. We took them in and fed them, did all that stuff like putting them in boxes and warm areas. We had to feed them every three to four hours and wash them every few hours. But we're humans and humans aren't built to take care of kittens that have just been born. It was disgusting cleaning them every day, I showered twice a day every time I cleaned them because of all the dirt and... You don't even want to know, it was horrible. The last time I cleaned them was yesterday night and last I fed them with my dad at 3 am last night. They were all so weak, they couldn't even move. We put them in the garage and turned the heater on low so they would stay warm. You don't understand how difficult it is to take care of three week old kittens, it's the hardest thing I've done in my life. And there were six! Yes, I said 'were'. This morning I woke up at 8 am and checked on them. Two of them were dead. I couldn't even look. So I woke up my dad and he buried them. We moved the last four away and put the box somewhere outside so they could relax in the nature. About two hours later my twin sis and I found three of them dead. We buried them also and now there is only one descendent from my beautiful cat who is still alive, and this kitten looks more healthy than the others. But it's going to die, I know it. Humans can't nurse kittens at this age, they need a mother. Right now the kitten is outside and I want to check on it but I'm afraid that I'll see it dead

So, there's the story. I hope you all understand why I'm not exactly feeling up to updating at the moment. In this past week my cat who I loved so much died, and five of her kittens died five days later. I've seen 6 cats die this week. I just feel sick to my stomach thinking about it.
If you were wondering why I haven't updated in the weeks before this one then I'll let you know that my internet connection has been ruined because someone was playing around with the cables. I'm updating at school right now and my friends are probably trying to see what I'm writing hehe. Also, my exams are only in about two to three weeks. A teacher found me trying to write my story in class, lol. I got in trouble, obviously. Detention for me.

I just wanted to thank you all for being there and making me happy when I'm down, but I really can't think straight at the moment, I can't even type properly because my fingers are shaking. I just want you to know that I'm really really really trying at the moment, I am. But my mind keeps going to those dead kittens and my cat. I'm sorry for the wait. I'll try to update as soon as possible and if I don't update somewhere in this week or so, you can all hate on me! Bring it on! GIMME SOME HATE TO GET ME GOING :D SAY SOMETHING MEANNNNN and then apologise when I reply or something. I need some MOTIVATIONNNNN!

If you read that (auto correct changed read into dead, today is not my day) then thank you so much and I love you all!

P.S. Writing two fanfics is harddddd >:( no no no LIFE IS HARD IN GENERAL GRRRRR

P.P.S. The next chapter I think will have LOOOOTTTTTSSSS of ship moments... Well, more than usual *cough*. And now that I think about it... Ani and Jack don't even have a ship name. It doesn't matter, though, you can decide on it!

P.P.P.S. Somebody asked in the comment section if Ani is around her mid thirties like Jack. To you, my wonderful beautiful reader and all the others.......... Yes, she probably is. Doonnnttt juuuuddgggeee meeeeee! I can sense it, I can sense the judgement. PFFTTTTT What? It's not like I never thought about her age, why would you think that. *shifty eyes*
Lol yep confirming it now, she's in her mid thirties, like Jack. And if Jack isn't in his mid thirties who gives a damn, let's change it. Jack is 33 in this story. OK  Ummmmmmmmmmmmm let's make Ani about 31. Please don't be turned off from the story because of her age or something, that would literally crush my soul lol
omg that rhymed! :D
31 is still young, it's literally the beginnings of starting a family of your own... Kind of. But it's still young I think. IT ISSSSSS ;_; and there is definitely nothing wrong with being in your thirties or any other age, we're all human after all!
Well, I really hope you understand and have a great life :)
Wish me luck on my soon-to-be exams!

(Updated 9th of November)

A/N: So, hey, I'm back! :D
The kitten is doing REALLY well! In fact, it's being so naughty! It's running around and making as much noise as it can, I'm so happy. It really makes me want to cry! The kitten is so cute! It's eating more and more every day, and it's becoming more and more active. I don't want to jinx anything, though.
I've been having inspection for my house for almost five months now and no one wants it. It's a nice house and it has EVERYTHING! It's ginormous, too. But no one wants it! And after we sell it I'm going on a holiday to Turkey for the very first time where my dads side of the family is waiting. My sister left for Turkey five months ago and she's still waiting for us, I feel so bad. No one knew it would take this long. We were supposed to be in Turkey by now. But life can't give you everything, can it?
Well, I hope you haven't fallen asleep. Thanks for being here, guys!

(Updated 10th of November)

A/N: ARGH, for some reason my school blocked Wattpad, so I'm updating at my cousin's house. :/ FML
Sorryyyyyyyyy >_<

(Updated 11th of November)


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