2 Years Later...

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Hello, friends! :D
It's been a long time since I've updated this story. I should've made this decision sooner.
This story (please don't be sad) will be discontinued. D: (much surprise, I know)

The main reason as to why I've come to this conclusion is merely due to the fact that... well, quite simply, I've grown. A lot.

This story used to mean a lot to me — and it still very much does! — but my skills in writing have advanced immensely and so have I. I've grown out of it; I did a while ago. One of my greatest regrets is not admitting this sooner.

I'm really, really sorry, please don't be sad! I just really hope you understand, especially since it hasn't been updated in, what, two years? Yes, I've been in denial for THAT LONG. As a matter of fact, I have the fourth chapter in my documents at this very moment, but it isn't finished and I don't think it will ever be.

However, do not fear! My skills have grown, as have I, and that would mean better stories for you guys! I have at least fifty random chapters of random stories stored up just waiting to be released, but it won't be a while until I gain the courage and motivation to publish one. I'll most likely not release another story for a long, long time. Please understand, I really don't want you guys to be sad!

I sincerely thank those who stuck by this story for so long. It's an honour to be acknowledged by so many of you. I also apologise for my crappy 12-13 year old writing and inability to create a strong romantic relationship in a story that is — kinda — meant for it. Please don't hate me, I know I should've done this earlier, and it's one of my greatest regrets!

So I guess this is goodbye, buddies! I wish, after so long, that I could have better news, but I can't lie to myself and keep writing this when I've already grown out of it. I'm so sorry for the two-year delay, and I know nothing I say can change the fact that I've avoided this story out of fear, but it's done now. I hope you guys can understand where I'm coming from. :/

Maybe one day I'll regain my inspiration for this idea and rewrite the story, but for now, I guess this is goodbye :)


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2017 ⏰

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