Chapter 1.

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Chapter 1.

Senior year.

It happens to be the most exciting and yet stressful year from the four in high school. You need to start applying for universties but also making sure you have fun, because well, it's simply your senior year.

As I look at my relfection on the mirror I think of all the fun I'll have, starting today my senior year begins. I tried my best on choosing the best out fit for the first day, jeans, a simple gray shirt, with my simple white snickers. So much for the best out fit. I tilt my head to the side and over think it, maybe it's not good enough, but who cares I'm already running late.

"Hazel, hurry up your brother is about to set the carpet on fire" I hear my mom from the other side of my door. I roll my eyes and half jog to my bed to grab my backpack, I shove my phone inside the front pocket and make my way to the hallway. When I open the door mom is waiting for me with a big grin on her face.

"What?" I ask her, she opens her arms and pulls me into a hug.

"My little girl is already going to graduate high school" she tells me, I try to hug her back but her arms are keeping mine pressed to my sides.

"Mom, it's barely the first day" I mumble against her hair, she pulls away and squeezes my arms, like if the hug wasn't enough.

"I know, but you'll see it will go by so fast" with a sigh, we both begin walking down the stairs. When I reach the living room my brother, Jason, is pacing around with a frustruated look on his face. I try to keep the little laughter I have inside from just the sight of this, of course my brother is a freshman and is very worried about being on time, he'll get over that next year.

"Why do women take so long!" he exclaims as he sees me, I punch his arm playfully and tuck hair behind my ear.

"Just because you want to be super early doesn't mean that we are running late" I tell him, he rolls his eyes at me and grabs my arm while pulling me out to my truck.

"Hazel, you didn't eat breakfast!" Mom calls out behind us while giving my little brother, Andrew, an apple for his lunch. He waves at me and gives me a toothy smile. I wave and smile back at that little demon.

"I think she can survive" my brother mutters, I yank my arm away from his grasp and walk to my truck by myself. I take out the keys from my backpack and open it, it isn't the luxurious car that one can have, but I'm super happy with my c-10.

I shove my backpack inside and then climb in, I see Jason taking out his phone and checking the time as I turn on the engine. It takes me some tries before it finally comes alive.

Driving to school isn't that long, we could go walking really, but as the lazy people we are we prefer cars instead. When I park in the schools parking lot Jason gets out the car and bolts to the main entrance. I let out a small chuckle and turn the engine completely off.

I jump off and scan my surroundings, mostly checking out girls outfit for today. Some look really pretty, making me look down at mine and question if I should go back and put on something more, well, something more like theirs. I adjust my shirt and close the door to my truck, letting out a small sigh I begin walking inside the school.

I walk down the crowded hallway and get pushed once in a while, I finally manage to get to my locker, the one we are assigned from the beginning of our freshman year. I look at my hair in the small mirror I have attached to the locker and try to untangle the parts that got tangled on my way to school.

"Dude, I'm like literally shitting my jeans right now" I hear Samantha say as she leans to the locker next to mine. I laugh and wrinkle my nose at the thought.

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