Chapter 1

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Pic of Kiya


Chapter 1

(Kiya's POV)

"Damn!" I huffed as i flopped onto my old bed.

Its been two years. Two years since i left this hell hole and now Im back. All the problems I've had to deal with since I left and now I get to add this shit back on!

I turned over and growled into my pillow. I am soooooo not going to be able to enjoy myself for a while.

"Kiya dinner is ready!" my mom shouted up the stairs.

" Cool, be down in a sec." I yelled back. I couldn't help but smirk at the happiness i heard in her voice. She really missed me. I guess I should have given her a reason before I begged to be sent to a private school in England and to stay with my Aunt Jessica. But i just cant tell her the horror that was my freshman year. It still haunts me.

I shook myself before sliding out of my bed and jogging to my bathroom. i looked in the mirror and brushed my long black hair before pulling it into a ponytail. i washed my face and Im still loving how flawless my ebony skin has been after the change. I smirked then headed downstairs.

I have a pretty big house. It has two floors, six rooms, and 4 full bathrooms. It also has a huge backyard with a pool and a good two hundred acers of land. We're rich because my mom is a doctor but we get a lot of the money from my dad. I've never met him though. Mom says i will somday after he handles a big problem with his company. I use to be suspicious of the whole thing but by the time I was 12, I just stopped caring.

As I reached the entrance to the dinning room i made sure i had a big smile on my face. I had been here for 2 weeks and mom has been goin all out trying to make sure I'm happy to be home again. Of courser im still not but she has taken me on so many shopping sprees and cooked so much delicious food, I just cant dissapoint her.

" Smells wonderful ma!' I praise as I plop into my seat.

"Thank you hun! I'm trying a new recipie for the spaghetti sauce so I hope it still tasets good." She replies cheerfully as she sets down the garlic toast, though I can see the slight worry in her eyes that I wont like it.

"Im sure it will taste amaxing as always!" I assure her as I begin to dig in.

About 30 minutes later we begin to clean off the table and put the dishes in the dishwasher.

"See ma I told you it would taste great!" I said as I put the last of the food in the fridge.

"I guess you were right!" she replied as she started the dishwasher, "But now heres the best part!" she yelped as she reached into the freezer and pulled a big container of double fudge ice cream with brownie chuncks.

"Gimmie!" I yelled as I dove for the ice cream

"Hey hey! Let me serve it up first! And while I'm doing that that, why dont you go grab our two fav movies." she smirked.

"Absobloodylutely!" I yelled, my british accent slipping back in. I try to keep it light but when I get excited or angry it comes on pretty heavy.

My mom laughed as I ran to the living room to put in Transformers one and the second ready to go. You see me and my mom are a pretty alike. We have a lot in common when it comes to food and entertainment. She also looks a lot like me except with a few worry lines creased into her forhead from years of stress. Other then that she has the same golden brown eyes, dark colored hair, and thick lips. she looks very young for a women of 42.

I turned on the tv and blue ray player just as she strolled in with our mega yummy dessert. We watched the both movies, constantly commenting and sometimes yelling. As the second movie ended, we both got up and to put our dishes in the kitichen.

"Are you ready to start school tommorrw?" my mom asked.

"Yeah of course I am." I replied, giving her a fake smile to help my lie stick a little more.

"Good! Well im exhausted and i have work in a few hours so I'll see you tommorrw at dinner okay?"

"Okay mom. I love you. Good night." I replied as I jogged up to my room.

"Love you to Kiya. Good night." yelled back.

I walked down the hallyway and into my room, closing my door behind me. I really want to be happy but i just cant. I walked over to my closet and dug through it, looking for my old fav wolf t-shirt that I left behind in the rush to get out of this place. Its a huge shirt that my mom gave me telling me it belonged to my dad.

After about twenty minutes, I found it hidden under some old sweat shirts. As I went to pull it up something thick slid from on top of it. I tossed my t-shirt on the bed and reached back in to pull it out. As soon as i felt the familiar furry cover touch my hands, I wished it had stayed hidden. I walked out of my closet and sat down ast my desk. I grabbed my ipod and plugeed it into the speaker and hit play once i had it set on my paramore playlist.

Finally I took a deep breath and looked at hte cover of the book! In the middle of the black and white fur was a gold plack with the words Forever In My Memories. It was the old album my mom baught me when i was eight. She had already put some pictures in it to start me off. Pictures of me and my best friends Jenn and Lilly.

I lifted the cover and began looking through the pictures. Me, Jenn, and Lilly had done evrything together. From birthdays, to beach days, to doctors appointments. We we inseperable. but for some reason that all changed when we hit ninth grade. They began to ignore me. They wouldnt come over. They wouldnt call. When Jenn's birthday came around I tired to tell her happy birthday, but she just walked away. Two months later i tried the sme thing with Lilly, same result. A week later on the last day of school, I decided to ask them what was wrong. We cant talk to you, we cant mix, we cant be friends any more. Thats all they said before walking away. I was so devastated, I ran from the school. i need to get away far away. So a week later I was on a plane to London, England to stay with my aunt Jessica.

I growled an slamed the photo album shut. Im not the dorky little freshman that ran off two years ago. The change I went through, the trainning, and the secret I now hold have made me way stronger. I will not be weak anymore.

I stood up and pulled my pants and tank top off. After I slipped the big t-shirt on and shut off the light. I slid into my bed and shut my eyes, eventually drifting asleep to the sound of Paramore's Misery Business.

Tommorrw is when my own personal hell begins.

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