Chapter 3

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Pic of Jenn


Chapter 3

(Kiya's POV)

All three of my first classes went by smoothly. Quick introductions that kept ending with people gasping because they actually rember me. Well the me I use to be. But that dosent matter. So far evrything has been smooth.

I headed to the cafateria. My stomach was killing me. Ever since the change I've been eating like a 250 pound man but i dont actually gain any weight. I guess thats just another werewolf purk. I walked in and immediatly some people began to whisper to their neighbor. I ignored them and headed through the line, grabbing anything that looked edible. Once I payed for everything a huge problem hit me, where was I going to sit? I looked around the cafeteria and noticed that everyone was seperated into groups. The cool kids, the skaters, the goths, ect.

In the back sat a girl who looked a little familiar. she sat at the table alone, reading a copy of Eat, Pray, Love. Her long curly brown hair and petite figure made her seem slightly helpless, though you could tell by the look in her green eyes she was a very strong willed person. Thats when it clicked. She was Ren. The sweet girl that comforted me freshman year whe my so called best friends droppe me.

I rushed over to her table and plopped down. I looked at the cover of her book, waiting for her to notice me.

"You might not want to sit here. Im the school nobody. I'll only make you look bad." she said before finally putting her book down a really seeing me. Her eyes went wide and she gasped, "Kiya?!"

"Ren!" I yelled back before hugging her tightly. "This is bloody ace! Im so glad you remember me!" my british accent coming on thick due to my excitment.

"Of course I remember you! You were an awesome friend and a great person to talk to!" she yelled hugging me back.

After a few minutes we seperated. I bnegan to eat as she asked me simple questions like what was england like or whats was my favorite part of private school. Then a question popped into my head.

"Hey where is Naomi? you guys were inseperable before I left." I asked, truly curious.

"Shes with Lilly and Jenn. She stopped talking to me and when I asked why she said its just not allowed and walked of to talk to them. We havent spoken since." she explained with a pained look in her eyes.

I stopped eating and took her hand in mine. "I know how you feel. And dont worry we can be best friends now." I said with a huge smile on my face.

she giggled then replied, "That sounds like a bloody ace idea!" she laughed out loud this time, clearly mocking me. I elbowed her lightly before finnishing my lunch just before the bell rang.

"What are your last few classes?" she asked.

"Um.....History, Study Hall, Gym, then Chours." I replied

"Cool, I have History and Chours with you!" she squeked.

"You sing?" I asked.

"Always," she laughed, "You?"

"Ditto!" I laughed too.

"Now lets get to class before we get in trouble!" she yelled before grabbing my arm and begining drag me out of the cafeteria.

"Okay okay! Just dont tare my arm off in the process!!" I yelled back. We both busted out laughing all the way to History.

Looks like my day is getting a little brighter. I hope saaying that dosent jinx me!

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