Chapter 6

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Pic of Shane


Chapter 6

"Hey!" Ren shouted and waved me over to the seat next to her.

"Hey" I waved and headed over to take a seat.

"Are you okay?" she asked the moment I sat down.

"What do mean?" I asked slightly suprised, "I'm fine.."

"I know that look. You talked to them didn't you." she stated more as a fact then a question.

"" I started but before I could finish Ren leaned toward me a gave me a tight hug. After minute i hugged her back. It felt good to have someone who understands what I'm going through.

"You dont have to talk about it. Just know that I'm here for you." she whispered.

"Thank you so much." I told her just as the bell rang to start the period. We both seperated with a huge smile on our faces. Then the class started. It went by very smoothly. We ended chosing Seasons Of Love from the play Rent as one of the songs we will do at our first performance. We had tryouts for the second girl solo. Its my favorite part of the song so I tried out. everyone was blown away by my voice and I got the solo. I didn't want to seem like a bitich so I didn't try for anymore.

At the end of the period me and Ren said goodbye and headed our seperate ways home. I headed out the front entrance and straight to my bike. As I sat down and was about to put my helmet on, a hand clapped down on my left shoulder. Electric shocks flowed through my body from the spot the hand was on but I ignored them as my wolf instincts kicked in.

I reached my right hand across my chest and grabbed  the asalant's wrist. Using a small amount of my werewolf strength, I flipped the person over my head and the front my bike and landed them on their back. Then, using my werewolf speed, I got off my bike and placed my foot on their neck.

I stared down at the person, my vision clouded over by my wolf's instinct to kill. After a few minutes I calmed down and finally noticed who the person was. My eyes went wide and I stumbled back in shock. Darion stared up at me in shock and slight pain. I looked around just to  make sure no one elese saw. I parked in the back of the parking lot and basicaly every one was already gone so I was clear.

"Your not human are you?" Darion's voice asked quietly all of a sudden.

I looked down at him my eyes wide before I controled my emotions and made my face look emotionless.

"Stay away from me." I stated dryly before using my werewolf speed to get back on my bike and place my helmet on my head. I started my bike and began to back up before he could reach out to me. As I sped off, I heard Darion whisper "I know what your going through."

This is just fucking fantastic!

(Darion's POV)

What the hell just happened!

My brain raced as I rubbed my throat. How the hell did I miss this?! The clues are all over the damn place! She's a werewolf and I didn't notice. I can't make mistakes like that if Im going to be head of the pack soon. And the worst is she's my mate. My wolf and I noticed the momment I touched her.

As I walkeds twords the my blue mustang I remembered something. Werewolf or not, a female shouldn't have been able to toss me down like that using sooooo little effort. Damn this just gets more and more frustrating.

"Darion!" Jenn yelled from the car.

I made my way over to it and got in before answering her. "What?"

"So????!!!!?!?!?!" she nearly yelled.

"She's a werewolf thats for sure. She got really pissed when I tried to talk to her and her eyes shifted from golden brown to a startling blue before she took off." I said before starting the car an pulling out. I was not going to tell anyone about the flipping me over until I understood it myself. Even a female werewolf isn't that strong. And to add icing to my cake, I think she's my mate.

"Darion!" Lilly yelped.

I finally noticed that i had been holding the steering wheel too tight. It was about to snap under the pressure.

"Shit" whispered before letting go. "We need to get home now. I need to go for a run." I mummbled before pulling out and heading home.       

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2011 ⏰

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