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Vanoss's P.O.V

Luke and Jon had just left into the garage " Is he really going to stay here with us" David asked his voice sounded worried " Yes he is when we were locked up he gave away his freedom for me and without him doing what he did I would more than likely be dead right now" I said remembering Adam forcing him around and using him as a human cutting board " Oh just because he helped you your expecting us to trust him" Craig said sounding a little annoyed " No I'm telling you that your all going to get over your shit and accept the fact he's going to stay" I said starting to get mad at the guys they all went through shit before I brought them here.

" If he slips up one time I'm going to kill him" Tyler sternly said " Good luck because you'll have to go through me and Luke" I said I knew Jon wouldn't try anything but if he does I'm not going to let the guys touch him " He knew him as a kid and you don't even know anything about the guy" Tyler yelled at me " Actually I do when we were locked up I learned a little about Jon and I know why he is like he is" I snapped at them I remembering the shit Adam said " Evan what if he tries to kill us" Lui asked with his voice soft " I don't think he will but if that happens I will handle it" I said getting up and walked to my room I wanted to shower.

While in the shower I remembered my dream and shook my head trying to get it out of my head after I got out and got dressed I made my way downstairs sitting next to Luke " Where's Jon " I asked and he gave me a smile " He went to his room he got tired after we worked on the cars a little" I knew Luke was happy to see him again but I couldn't stop myself from getting mad at him I didn't know why but it pissed me off to see him and Jon so close to each other considering Jon won't even talk to me " Well where did the guys go?" I asked looking around " They went out to look around the town their normal stuff and you should go out as well" he said calmly looking for something to watch and I was about to speak but he cut me off " Evan I know you want to talk to Jon but you need to let him come to you he's got a lot of... issues and you should be out with the guys watching over the town don't worry ill be here and if Jon tries anything I can handle it now get your ass up and go" Luke said bluntly, how did he know I wanted to talk to Jon unless he told Luke that and I really didn't want to wait I would wait enough when he was free and then we got taken and now it's back to before where I have to go out and look around waiting for him to come up to me and I'm not happy with it but im the leader I reminded myself, I sigh getting up and going to get ready.

Delirious's P.O.V

I woke up from taking a small nap I didn't want to sleep much I didn't feel right being in this house I'm a killer, I stop and stand behind the wall as I hear someone below the stairs " Evan stop staring at me and get your ass out there and do your job" Luke's voice rang out... good Evans leaving, I soon heard the door shut and I made my way into the living room where Luke was relaxing he just gave me a small smile and I sat next to him he was watching some T.V show I couldn't get into so I just sat there and played with my knife " I swear you would marry that knife if you could" he said with a chuckle I couldn't help but laugh a little and I gave him a wink that sent him into a full on laugh, this was my dad's favorite knife he was in the war and he always called it his lucky knife anytime I could I would steal it, I liked the way it felt in my hand but soon he stopped laughing and stood up reaching a hand out for me " It's boring here let's go get into some trouble" he said with a smirk on his face I grabbed his hand and he helped me up.

I was not going to pass up the chance to cause some trouble, he put on his jacket and we walked out of the house as we made our way down the streets he didn't say much because I told him I really didn't feel like talking, we made our way onto the beach and Luke stripped his clothes off down to his boxers running towards the water " Come on man I know you can swim I thought you how or do I have to drag you in like old times" he said cheerfully but I wasn't about to have him drag me into the water so I stripped down as well and made my way into the water it felt nice, we swam around a little until I was starting to hurt and made my way out of the water Luke followed behind me we waited till we dried off a little then got dressed and laid in the sand, the moon was full tonight casting more light than it does any other time I hear a voice in the back of my head it scared me so I sat straight up and Luke gave me a worried look I could feel myself wanting to see blood but as soon as the thought entered my head " Dude let's go home you have that look like you want to kill someone" he grabbed my arm and helped me up from the sand before we started to walk back to the house but I stopped at a corner I knew very well and I started to walk down it instead " Where are you going" I didn't answer him and he just decided to follow me.

I stood in front of a door... of my old door I grabbed my spare key and unlocked my door stepping inside looking around I left everything clean I sat on the couch soon joined by Luke he looked around, I got up and went into the kitchen grabbing a bag of chips I sat back down next to him we sat there and ate looking out my window it had a view of a small yard and some trees, once the bag was empty I walked into my room grabbed my keys walking back out dangling them from my hand seeing him grin, he stood up following me out of the house and to my small garage that only had one car in it opening the door there it was my dad's car he handed down to me as a fixer-upper, the deep blue reflected the small amount of light it was a 1969 Chevrolet Camaro " Holy shit you actually still have this car and it looks fucking amazing" Luke said with wide eyes admiring the car he would always ask my dad to buy it when he got older but my dad always said he was going to give it to me.

it took a lot of work to fix up but I'm glad I put the time into it because Luke's face right now is priceless, I opened the drivers door getting in and motioned for him to join me he looked like a kid in the toy store right now, I turned on the engine putting my foot down heavy on the pedal leaving skid marks as I slid it around the corner and took off speeding down the road his face was lit up with excitement and I was just happy, I was always a fan of speed but soon on the streets we hear sirens I looked in my mirror to see a cop car behind me " Oh fuck man" I look to see Luke was sad but as if I'm going to let some cop stop me I gripped the steering wheel tighter and I saw him get a shit eating grin on his face as I floored it leaving the cop in my dust once I didn't see his lights anymore I put the car in reverse and backed into a dark alley we soon saw the cop speed past us " Ha take that dumbass" I heard Luke yell, once I knew we were good to go we pulled out and drove around a little until we saw someone walking out of an alley " Fuck dude were busted we have to get back to the house now" Luke said slouching down slightly as if it would help, we saw Evan looking right at us and I knew he saw us plus he knew what my car looked like since I did kind of take him in it after I found him hurt but I just stepped on the gas and flew past him looking back for a second to see his arms crossed.

As we pulled up to the garage Luke open it for me and I pulled in turning the car off and stepping out Luke was bursting into laughter " We-were so f-fucked" he said between taking breaths, we walked in and sat on the couch waiting about half an hour later the door slammed open and Evan ripped his mask off looking extremely pissed " So are you going to explain why I just saw you two or are you going to tell me it wasn't you because I know I wasn't fucking seeing shit" Evan grumbled out, Luke just burst into laughter and I couldn't help but look into Evans eyes he looked cute pissed off " Ok you caught us" Luke said as his laughter died down " If I cant trust you to keep an eye on him AT THE HOUSE then you wont be watching him anymore what would you do if it was one of the other guys that saw you" he was tapping his fingers on his crossed arms " Oh would you calm down mister protective we had a little fun and like you would want to be locked up in a house after you were just locked in a nut cases bases" Luke said bluntly in a questioning tone, my smile faded as he said that because I didn't want to remember about Adam Evan just huffed and walked into the kitchen grabbing a drink, I got up and walked to my room I wasn't going to fight with Evan but as soon as I got in my room I heard someone come in behind me " I know this is all new to you but listen you have to stay in the house and once I know you wont run off and you will follow my rules you are to stay here" I heard Evans voice and he put a hand on my shoulder but I moved away from him " Listen Jon will you just talk to me please" he sounded almost hurt but I just laid on my bed and looked at the ceiling soon he walked out of my room and I turned on some music from my phone opening the book I grabbed from the house I would always read when I knew I wasn't going to sleep at all.

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