What is your name: Nightmare
Do you know why you are named that: Because like Taylor Swift once said, I'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream
Are you single or taken: Taken boo boo
What powers do you have: Don't know I've never tested myself to see if I have powers
What is your eye color: Blue
Hair color: Blue also
Have any family members: My husband Masky, and our two sons Tommy and Channing
How about pets: No but we plan on getting a dog
What don't you like: Laughing Jack..
Do you have any activities or hobbies you like to do: Not really
Have you ever hurt anyone: Yes
Killed anyone: Yes
Name your bad habits: Leaving the kids with Jeff.. He sucks at babysitting
Do you look up to anyone: Nope
Are you gay, straight, bisexual: I'm straight
Do you go to school: Pfffft school is useless
Ever want to marry and have kids: Already have sweet heart
Do you have any fangirls/fanboys: I mean lots of people love reading my story on creepypasta.com so I think
What are you most afraid of: My babies getting killed by LJ
What do you usually wear: I used to dress like frickin Dora the Explorer but now I wear a short white dress with a leather jacket and leather boots
What's one food that temps you: WHY DOES THAT MATTER
How many friends do you have: I can't count
Favorite drink: Coke
Favorite place: Slendy's mansion
Are you interested in anyone: Some dude from the bakery..... Just kidding I'm interested in my hubby
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