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I am a HUGE fan of Star Wars so I decided it would be fun to do the Star Wars tag!
1.) What is your favorite movie? From the original ones I would have to say Empire Strikes Back because it was so sad at the end how Vader sacrificed his life to save his son and it made me very emotional. From the newer ones it would be Revenge Of The Sith because you finally see why Darth Vader turned to the dark side and that movie made me emotional as well.

2.) What is the coolest planet in Star Wars? In my opinion I think the coolest planet is Naboo because it is just so beautiful there. Tatooine is nice as well along with Coruscant but Naboo by far is the best.

3.) Would you be a Jedi or a Sith? Definitely a Sith. I've always loved the bad guys better than the good guys because they are more cooler and I just love them.

4.) Who is your favorite character in Star Wars? That one is hard. I would have to say either Darth Vader or Boba Fett. I love Vader because he is so powerful and once you watch the prequels you get attached to him. And Boba Fett is just straight out the coolest bounty hunter ever along with his father Jango.

5.) What is your favorite musical theme in Star Wars? That would probably have to be the love theme for Anakin and Padmè. It's just so soothing and perfect.

6.) What is your favorite lightsaber battle in Star Wars? My personal favorite is the battle between Anakin and Obi-Wan in Revenge Of The Sith. That battle was very intense and its amazing to see that a little boy on Tatooine became such a powerful Sith Lord and betrayed his father like figure and his wife

7.) What is your favorite ship? I know everyone would say this but my favorite ship is the Millennium Falcon. But my other favorite is Qui-Gon Jinn's ship that broke down on Tatooine in The Phantom Menace.

8.) What is your favorite line of dialogue? I love Obi-Wan's line in Revenge Of The Sith where he says "You were my brother Anakin, I loved you" that line just made me burst into tears ;-;.

9.) What do you think of the prequel trilogy? I absolutely love it. I don't know why everyone hates it. It shows Anakin Skywalker for who he was and how he became Darth Vader. The story line was beautiful and I love it.

10.) Lightsaber or blaster? Definitely a lightsaber. I just feel like a lightsaber would be better.

11.) Do you own any Star Wars video games? I own both the old Star Wars Battlefront and new Star Wars Battlefront.

12.) Favorite Star Wars scene? Either Darth Vader's death or Padmè's. Vader's death was so sad and it made me happy yet sad that Luke decided to take his body and have a proper funeral type thing. Padmè's death was very sad as well. It broke my heart even more when I saw that she was holding the necklace Anakin gave her when they were young.

13.) Which outfit do you wish you had in your closet? I would love to have Boba Fett's outfit, but I bet it would be very uncomfortable. Another outfit I would like to have is Padmè's dress when her and Anakin go on that picnic in Naboo. I just think it's a really pretty dress.

14.) What character would you want to marry? I would want to marry Anakin Skywalker even though I know my future. He was just such a sweetheart before he turned evil and I would want a husband like that.

15.) Which character would you want as your sidekick? For sure I would want Boba Fett, even though he isn't really a sidekick. I just think that me and him would kick the galaxy's butt. Lol

16.) Favorite Villain? I would want to say Boba Fett but I don't really consider him a villain so Darth Vader. Or maybe Darth Maul too

17.) What color would your lightsaber be? Red. First off, it's for the dark side which I love. And secondly, red is my favorite color.

18.) Padmè or Leia? Padmè. She is a strong female character, especially since she has battled by Anakin's side and I know that she would still love him even though he turned to the dark side.

19.) Padmè x Anakin or Leia x Han? This one is hard because they are both adorable... But I would have to say Padmè x Anakin.

20.) What are your thoughts on the new Star Wars film? LOVE IT! I recommend that you see it if you haven't already. Certain scenes are very sad and others are just plain awesome!

I tag xTicciWolfx

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