What is your name: Roxy
Do you know why you are named that: No
Are you single or taken: Taken sorry
What powers do you have: None
What is your eye color: Blue
What about hair color: My fur is reddish pinkish
Have any family members: My husband Abram, my two sons Denver and Blake, and my daughter Mia
How about pets: No
What don't you like: When kids get my fur dirty
Do you have any activities you like to do: Not really
Have you ever hurt anyone: Yes
Killed anyone: Knock on wood no
Name your bad habits: Eating kids' pizza
Do you look up to anyone at all: No
Are you gay, straight, bisexual: Straight of course
Do you go to school: I don't think they have schools for animatronics
Ever want to marry and have kids: Already have
Do you have any fan girls/ fanboys: Yes
What are you most afraid of: Freddy getting mad and ripping me into tiny pieces
What do you usually wear: my one earring
What's one food that temps you: I can't really eat anyone but pizza
How many friends do you have: All of the animatronics in the pizzeria
Favorite drink: I can't drink anything but I heard soda was good
Favorite place: Ta pizzeria
Are you interested in anyone: My husband that I love and cherish