Daniel Skywalker

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This is Anaka's twin brother Daniel. Lol I didn't know who I wanted him to look like so I just put Dave Franco XD

What is your name: Daniel Anakin Skywalker

Age: 18

Do you know why you are named that: I got the name Daniel because he was one of my mother's greatest friends and I got my middle name Anakin because my father's name is Anakin

Are you single or taken: Single

What powers do you have: The force runs strong in my family

What is your eye color: brown

Hair color: Brown also

Have any family members: My mom dad, brother sister, and twin sister Anaka

How about pets: No

What don't you like: When I can't find my gun anywhere and we have a mission

Do you have any activities or hobbies you like to do: I like to just watch movies and TV shows

Have you ever hurt anyone: Yes

Killed anyone: Of course

Name your bad habits: Agreeing to do Q & A's like this

Do you look up to anyone: Not really

Are you gay, straight, bisexual: Straight boyyaa

Do you go to school: Nope

Ever want to marry and have kids: Yeah it would be nice

Do you have any fangirls/fanboys: Don't know

What are you most afraid of: Getting my TV taken away

What do you usually wear: Look at the picture genius

What's one food that temps you: WHY DO YOU NEED TO KNOW THAT

How many friends do you have: A lot..

Favorite drink: Coke

Favorite place: Death Star

Are you interested in anyone: I was interested in this girl but she has a boyfriend so nobody for now

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