Happy birthday

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It was the day Felix turns 27 and we all decided to have a big party and invite all their friends, including The Game Grumps, Cinnimontaostken and Cyndago. Me and Jack were going to buy the snacks and cake for the party. We decided to walk since the bakery was right around the block.
"So how are you?"
I now knew Jack was REALLY bad at making conversations.
"I'm good. Actually I'm amazing! I so happy you guys adopted me because the old home I was in was terrible! Thank you so much for adopting me!" It was true. I hated that old place! The sofa smelled like cheese, Martha was kinda insane and I think it was haunted.
"We should really be thanking you! When Mark heard we were adopting you he actually smiled! That's one of only a few"
I thought in my head, why was mark so excited? And why was he so quiet and never talked to me? Jack said he was excited.

We finally got to the shop and got the cake. It was white and had milk chocolate around the sides. On top was a brofist and strawberries around it. It was truly amazing compared to then little cupcakes we had at the foster house. We went home to drop off the cake and then went to buy the chips and drinks. Just because I was going to be there, jack decided to not get beer. Instead we got rootbeer and Pepsi and for chips we got Doritos and Lays.
We started setting up. Me and Jack hung up a huge banner saying in big, blue letters 'Happy Birthday Pewds!'. When we were done we started filling up pitchers and bowls with soda and chips. When the first door bell rang I ran as fast as I could to the door. Yes I may have tripped a few times but that didn't matter. When I opened the door I was expecting The game grumps or Ken but instead there was an officer saying he needed to talk to Mr.Ficshbach. I told mark to come and he did but when he saw who was the door he bolted back up the stairs. The officer chased him and in all the commotion I didn't notice Jack yelling to get out of the house. I did as told and bolted out the front door. When I was outside Jack came and told me to fun faster. I looked behind me and saw Mark jumping out of the window as the house exploded. We weren't very far from the house, so jack jumped on top of me to shield me. In all the commotion I fainted.

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