Chapter 2

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                             6809 118th Ave 89065.  I stare up at the house before me.  Actually, I wouldn't call it a house, more of a shack.  A crappy, peeling, molding, rusting, falling apart shack.  And lucky for me, this is my new foster home.  Terri, my caregiver, who has seen me come and get kicked out of my numerous prior placements, looks up in disgust at the dank brown home, but quickly masks it when the door squeaks open with deafening squeal, and my new foster dad ambles out on to the porch in all his beer bellied, greasy haired, short, fat glory.  He smiles with as much charm as he can muster, and swaggers closer to us with an unmistakable air of revolting disdain. 

"Ello sweet heart. You must be Staria," he offers in a slimy, nasally voice, along with his outstretched hand.  Trying not to make a rude impression in the first thirty seconds of meeting him, I oblige, and shake his hand gently, touching as little of the clammy skin as I can.  I give him my best fake smile and manage to mutter,

"Nice to meet you Sir."   He grunts, and nods in response.

"Lovely charming house you have here, Mr. Smith Bolshevik." Terri cuts in to break the awkward silence that stretches on in between the three of us.  Once again, he politely grunts, then latches on to my slender wrist like the leech I'm becoming more and more sure he is, and drags me, none to gently, into his house, with Terri hobbling along as fast as possible in her four inch heels and ridiculously pink blazer and matching pencil skirt, whining incessantly about child abuse and other useless bull crap. I chuckle at her through the uncomfortable grip on my wrist.  She never ceases to amaze me through her pitiful patheticness, and I love her for it.   

Smith hauls my sorry butt over the threshold and slams the door in Terri's makeup caked face and bleached hair.  He shoves me face first into the molding door, leans in too close, and growls in my ear, his breath a mixture of peanut butter, onions and pickles.

"Welcome home, sweetheart."

Hey! My name is Claire, nice to meet ya! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter in look to the stars!  Let me know if you would like me to keep writing. Comments and votes are VERY much appreciated<3


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